Multiple ways of Navigation: Menus and a Sitemap

A successfully designed website needs to allow for multiple ways of navigation through its contents. It can be achieved in several ways, such as utilizing menus, table of contents, site maps, search bars, linking to all other pages from the home page, and having links to related pages on the opened page of the site.

While the navigation menu reflects the underlying structure of the website, a sitemap page presents the hierarchical arrangement of pages within the website. The sitemap can also be used to navigate the website without going from menu to menu. Its design is driven by the site’s organizational scheme and labeling. Creating a sitemap helps developers to make sure that a website can be easily navigated, as well as establishes an order in which users will follow browsing the site.


Example of Multiple Ways of Navigation on a Webpage

Webpage layout with the following elements highlighted in light green: top Menu, search bar, and footer.

Sitemap Organization and Its Position on the Page

A scheme of a website: from the Home page to multiple Menus, and to Topics inside menus.