Homework 25%: Complete bi-weekly readings, quizzes, exercises.
Thinking Kits 30%: Create and enact 3 experiences that teach content and facilitate creative thinking with children.
Unit 20%: Write contemporary/conceptually-based curriculum unit for a specific grade level. This six day unit includes 3 preparatory research tasks that factor into the grade of the unit (1idea presentation 2unit sketch 3unit revision)
Unit Prep Tasks 10% Complete 3 tasks leading up to final unit writing: idea presentation, unit sketch, unit revision.
Peer Participant 15%: Give critical feedback to peers during peer to peers instruction.
Keep track
Keep track of your points regularly on Blackboard
Attendance influences your grade as well.
- 2 absences reduces your grades by ½ letter grade. This cannot be made up.
- 3 absences reduces your grade by 1 letter grade. This cannot be made up.
- 6 or more absences = failing the class
- Late arrival/early departure of more than 20 minutes = ½ a missed class.
Absences will be recorded in a blackboard column, but will not be tallied into the final grade until finals week. Keep track. You have all information here to do your own math. I do not need to know why you missed class if it is not an excused absence. If you miss a class, talk to another student and get information from them or look at the course website. Excused absences include severe health emergencies (e.g. broken leg), legal events such as court dates or accidents, and/or the death of a significant person in your life. Be professional and honest. These excuses require medical, legal, and/or funeral documentation. Non-threatening health appointments do not count (e.g. doctor appointments). Reschedule those. Do not schedule important events like job interviews or vacations on class days. Have a “plan B” in place for childcare and transportation emergencies. Expect that these will happen. Be ready for them. Even though these attendance policies will affect your grade, I know that life happens and I will always assume that you are doing your best.
Grading Scale
A | 93-100 |
A – | 90-92 |
B+ | 87-89 |
B | 83-86 |
B- | 80-82 |
C+ | 77-79 |
C | 73-76 |
C- | 70-72 |
D | 60-69 |
F | 60- |
Standards for Student Performance
- CHECK bi-weekly course website and your MSU email.
- ATTEND all sessions and be on time. (exceptions with medical/legal documentation: mental/physical)
- PREPARE for all classes with completed work.
- BE PRESENT. All written, spoken, and on-line content connects to class tasks. No childcare. No other tasks.
- ADHERE to Course Requirements and to MSU Academic Integrity and Student Code of Conduct http//