Here are some resources that I often cite when discussing teaching and learning:
Student use of electronics in class:
- Humans cannot multitask (total myth). We can “task-switch,” but only at great detriment to the tasks. Here is a good summary, including more references from the American Psychological Association, March 20, 2006. Here is a PDF of the task-switching page, just in case.
- “Laptop multitasking hinders classroom learning for both users and nearby peers” is an excellent, well-titled article by Sana, Weston & Cepeda. Here is a PDF of the article on the impact of screens on learners, just in case.
- “The Pen Is Mightier Than the Keyboard: Advantages of Longhand Over Laptop Note Taking” by Mueller & Oppenheimer discusses the reasons learners may want to avoid using a keyboard-device to take notes. Here is a PDF of the article on hand-written notes, just in case.