I Do / We Do / You Do
Workshop with Jorge Lucero!
Workshop with Jorge Lucero (Note from Anne: Jorge Lucero has been a mentor and dear colleague of mine for years. His thinking about art and teaching art has shifted my thinking many, many times and has made me a better
WE ARE JUST ABOUT READY TO GO! Here are our next steps: ONE Please drop off your circle-inspired artwork for the I DO/WE DO/YOU DO Exhibition to the CVA at 965 Santa Fe Drive. between now and May 5th. CVA
Last Group Work Day
REMEMBER Wednesday April 26th Write a note to yourself as a reminder to join us in creating your part of our May installation at the Center for Visual Art. All we ask is that you structure your piece around a
The Circumlocution Office
There is still time to join us in creating your part of our May installation at the Center for Visual Art. All we ask is that you structure your piece around a circle. We’ll connect those separate parts into
Reschedule for Wednesday MARCH 1
We rescheduled due to snow. TLP meets now on MARCH 1 WEDNESDAY! This Wednesday February 28th will be a work session where you will work on your individual piece for our collaborative installation. If you haven’t come yet this year,
Rhizomes and Furnace Filters
Tonight we finalized our vision for our collaborative artwork for the May exhibition at the CVA. Here is what we did. Previous Ideas We reviewed our November ideas on the structures for our collaborative artwork: Above/Below dynamic (Dark/Light experiences
Finding a Form
On Nov. 30th, we worked on creating a connecting structure for our installation based on the following ideas from last month. Using the text of the questions…participants answer the questions write a walkthrough installation sticky note thing above in the
Ideating an Artwork
We are back! It’s been two and half years since we last gathered and it was so good to be together. Please join us at our next meeting, Nov. 30. Tonight we started to brainstorm about a collaborative artwork that
Learning to Gather Again
Hello TLP folks! Thanks to Katie Taft’s persistence and heart, our community connected virtually during the darkest parts of the pandemic. We will be meeting in person this year, sharing our students’ work and our practice. Along with the Center