Transitive verbs:
-i CVC transitive roots with all vowels except [e]
-e CVC transitive roots with [e]
-V non-CVC transitive roots
Intransitive verbs:
-V1y intransitive roots (ex. a-lok’-oy ‘he comes out’)
-V intransitive roots
-Vr positional
(The above stem suffixes are usually removed when using derivational suffixes below.)
Derivational verb suffixes
…-j-…-a passive with CVC roots (ex. a-ch’a-j-m-a ‘they are taken’)
-pa middle passive with CVC roots
-tz’a middle passive with CVC roots
-k’a middle passive with CVC roots
-na passive with non-CVC and derived verbs
-ma antipassive
-on antipassive
-o antipassive (relic; with a few verbs)
-ar/-‘r/-er nominalizer
-(y)an antipassive verb
-(y)aj nominalized antipassive verb
-b’ir past participle with transitive roots
-em past participle with intransitive roots
-ran inchoative
-wan intransitivizer with positional roots
-b’a/-b’u transitivizer with positional roots
-es/-s/-se causative
-ru/-ru iterative
General phonological rule when two vowels occur together: V1V2 è V2’