Grading Policy

Evaluation of Student Performance: Several components assess student performance in this class.

  1. Chapter Notes for each chapter due the week when chapter is scheduled for reading. (10 points per chapter, for a total of 80 points): Students are expected to read the chapters and take notes. Notes are to be handwritten and then scanned or photographed (files need to be in PDF or JPEG format). E-book users may be able to collect highlights, but then they must write important points down. If notes are too skimpy to indicate any serious reading, the student may not receive all 10 points on that chapter. 
  1. Three Quizzes on Textbook chapters QCXXX (320 Possible points):Students will take three Quizzes for Credit – QC123 on chapters 1, 2 and 3; QC567 on chapters 5, 6, and 7; and QC0910 on chapters 9 and 10 of the textbook. A quiz will have 10 Multiple Choice questions (worth 4 points each) on each chapter covered by the quiz. Thus, QC123 and QC 567 are worth 120 points each, and QC0910 is worth 80 points.  (We will use ProctorU Auto to proctor the quizzes). 
  1. Quiz 1 on the Business Strategy Game web site: (100 possible points):Students will need to be familiar with and know the details of BSG Player’s Guide, Year 10 Company and Industry Reports as well as understand relationships between the business variables to score well on this quiz. Without mastering the knowledge of details of your company very quickly, it is impossible to contribute to your group. This quiz ensures that every student has read and understood the BSG Player’s Guide before beginning to work in their group. 
  1. Quiz 2 on the Business Strategy Game web site: (100 possible points):This is a tough quiz and students have to know and work on the game to score well on this quiz.


Read the following to understand relationship between Team Grades and Individual Grades on BSG Performance and Presentations. Team grades do NOT add directly to the Total Points.

Please read this explanation carefully. The Peer Evaluation Factor below DOES NOT add directly to your points. It is a factor or percentage which multiplies into your TEAM GRADES on Company Performance and Team Presentation to compute your Individual Scores on Company Performance and Team Presentation. Thus, if you receive an 85/100 on End of Term Peer Evaluation, you will receive ONLY 85% OF THE TEAM GRADES on Company Performance and Team Presentation.

Evaluation of Participation in the Group: (0% to 100%): Each student will be expected to participate meaningfully in the group on a regular basis and contribute to team tasks. Group members will provide feedback by evaluating the quantity and quality of participation of their group members. This is done on the BSG web site using their well-developed member evaluation form. I will use this input in grading a student’s participation. Lack of proactive participation in the group is one sure way to lose out on a grade, and even fail the class!

Team Grade on Company Performance in the Game (100 possible points) : Students will be placed in groups of three or four each. A group will manage a company in the Business Strategy Game Online. Every student will have to learn the company’s situation, analyze it and develop strategy for the company using the Decision and Reports program, and work with their group to make group decisions. Since these decisions (in light of the uncertainty in the industry about what competitors might do) result in the company’s market and financial outcomes, groups will receive points based on their company’s total performance at the end of all the cycles (i.e. after Year 18). The score for the group will be the average of their Year to Date Investor Expectations Score and Best-In-Industry scores. (You will understand these terms better after you read the Footwear Industry Report. If you don’t understand this after reading the FIR, please ask questions in class.)

Team Grade on Presentation (100 possible points): Each group will create and upload a presentation on their company strategy and performance. This presentation will be available for all to view on the Team Presentations area. Teams will have a chance to show their own understanding of strategy concepts and the analysis they may have performed on the company results and / competitor actions and industry trends. This will require that groups do analysis, keep a record of their forecast of competitor actions and “What If” numbers so that they can compare their actual results for every year of play with their own projections. These presentations will be evaluated on how well the presentation communicates information about the company, the industry and the reasoning behind decision-making.

  1. Individual Grade on Company Performance in the Game (100 possible points): computed by multiplying (Participation Evaluation x Team Grade) on Company Performance. 
  1. Individual Grade on Presentation (100 possible points):computed by multiplying (Participation Evaluation x Team Grade) on Presentation.

Total Possible Points: 800 [Total = Sum of Scores on (Chapter Notes, BSG Quiz 1, BSG Quiz 2, QC123, QC567, QC0910, Individual Grade on Company Performance, Individual Grade on Presentation)]

Letter Grade: Final letter grades will be computed using standard cut-offs as stated in Grading Policies in the syllabus.

  • A grade 90% and above
  • B grade 80% to 89.99%
  • C grade 70% to 79.99%
  • D grade 60% to 69.99%
  • F grade-below 60%
