MSU Roadrunner Review

December 2023



Faith by Jessica Wang

There’s No Such Thing as Too Much Sunscreen by Cal Setar


Flash Fiction

LAX to TYO by Christopher Maggio

Watermelon Salad by Karen Sims

Discovery by AS Lewis



Fight or Flight by Nathaniel Cairney

Ode by Reyna Muñoz

A Study in Female Anatomy by Taylor Gregory

In the Quiet of Ourselves by Taylor Gregory

Tears of the Olive Tree by Mohammed Ahmad

Note to Self by John Martino

Show Me We’re the I in You by John Martino

Darkness By Elie Stone


Creative Nonfiction

The DMV of Books by Tony Robles


Editorial Staff

Note: all genre editors also participated as part of the broader editorial board to make final selections in fiction, flash fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and visual art.

Creative Nonfiction editor Lila Bear is a peer consultant at MSU Denver’s writing center and a member of Phi Theta Kappa. When she’s not driving for Doordash, she is a freelance writer and editor who dreams of one day paying more bills doing it than just electric. She regularly volunteers at the English Learning Center and hopes to teach abroad after graduation. Her three chickens regard her as a god, and her husband wishes she would get a real job.

Fiction Editor Claudia Guzman is majoring in English with a minor in Journalism and Media Production. She served as Editor-in-Chief for the Community College of Denver’s The Star Journal of Excellence and on the editorial staff of Metropolitan State University’s Metrosphere as well as the Roadrunner Review.  In her spare time, she likes to spend time with her husband and two sons and watch movies or cozy up with a book–currently, she is reading Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia. After graduation, Claudia will work towards her teaching license to become an English teacher for middle school.

Poetry editor Avien Howell is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in English at MSU‌ Denver, and loves to explore modern magic, urban fantasy, regional gothic, and other such genres that place the supernatural into an otherwise completely normal and everyday space. He has three cats who love him and lives for the simple pleasures in life, especially a good book and a warm drink on a cold day.

Flash Fiction editor Noah Jackson is a sophomore at MSU Denver majoring in Psychology. He realized his love of writing in high school when his first play was a finalist in the 2018 DCPA high school playwriting competition. Noah is a queer artist with a love for absurdism. In addition to his love for writing, he enjoys crocheting and having intense debates with his cat, Beetlejuice.

Flash Fiction editor Elizabeth Mitchell is a sophomore at MUS Denver as an English major with plans to become an editor post college. From childhood, she’s always had a love literature and hopes to make an impact.  In her free time, she reads, write, and (if weather permits) goes on hikes.

Fiction editor Riley Nix is a junior at MSU, and is pursuing a degree in English with a concentration in writing. He primarily likes to write horror and literary fiction. When he’s not writing, you can probably find him gaming or voice acting. Riley hopes to publish a collection of short stories one day.

As a senior with a major in English and focus in creative writing I greatly enjoy spending my time reading, lavishing in front of my space heater, and filling journals with any and every thought! I spend most days working full time at a Whole Foods and dedicating every break to writing. I am also enamored by my three-legged cat, Olive Oil, who would like to add that she’s thankful I had this opportunity, but equally as grateful I’ve stopped reading pieces aloud, pretending she can understand. — Maggie Nussbaum, Creative Nonfiction editor

Poetry editor Dempsey Perez is an artist and writer pursuing a double major in English and studio art.  Outside of school, he likes to spend time with friends at Third Places, bouncing ideas around for future project.  “I wish I could bring my cat to the bar.” With a passion for words and images, he hopes to combine what he learns to make something beautiful.

Poetry editor Rebekah Powers is finishing up her Bachelors degree in English with a concentration in Film and Media studies. She plans to pursue a Library Science masters with the goal of drawing community together through written word and children’s programming. She is inspired by that warm feeling in your chest when you write good poetry, staring at the mountains, Appalachian country music, and knitting her own sweaters. She currently resides in Colorado with all of the people she loves.

Fiction editor Madeline Terlep is a senior double majoring in journalism and English with a concentration in writing. Her creative writing centers around the emotions that drive human nature, as she firmly believes our driving emotions connect us all, and that connection holds the power to heal. In her journalistic writing, Madeline enjoys diving into investigative pieces and putting the puzzle together. In addition to The MSU Roadrunner Review, Madeline is the managing editor of the literary, art, and culture magazine Metrosphere. You can find Madeline’s writing in Pink Panther Magazine and The Metropolitan.

Creative Nonfiction editor Joshua Valadez is an English major in his junior year. Joshua is a Colorado native who enjoys spending his time with his dogs and family in his free time. He has planned to teach once he graduates with hopes of traveling abroad to teach English.

Cover Design: Dempsey Perez

Faculty Advisors: Dr. J Eric Miller and Dr. Cynthia Kuhn

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