The MSU Roadrunner Review launches once a year, in December. Submissions are open to all writers outside of the university, and we invite original, previously unpublished work during our reading period: early September to mid-November.

We consider:

  • Fiction: 3,500 words or less
  • Flash Fiction: 550 words or less
  • Creative Nonfiction: 3,200 words or less
  • Poetry: no more than two single-spaced pages
  • Visual Art: single image with a meaningful title.

Prose and poetry should be sent as a properly formatted Word document to [email protected], with the genre and word count (for prose pieces) in the subject line.  Pieces that come in without this information in the subject line may not be considered.

Image-oriented work (including graphic short stories) should be submitted as an attachment in an easily accessible format to [email protected].

Please include a short bio with all submissions.

Multiple submissions are fine, but each must come in its own email.

Simultaneous submissions are also welcome; please let us know as soon as possible if your work is placed elsewhere while under consideration here.

MSU Roadrunner Review acquires first-time rights of publication; rights revert to the contributor after the piece appears in the journal. At this time, we are not able to offer payment, but we are excited to share all creative work chosen for publication.

We look forward to your submissions!

The MSU Roadrunner Review Editors

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