Robert Richard Preuhs
Department of Political Science
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Campus Box 43, P.O. Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362
Doctor of Philosophy, (Political Science) University of Colorado-Boulder, 2001.
Master of Arts, (Political Science) University of Colorado-Boulder, 1999.
Master of Public Administration, University of New Mexico, 1996.
Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude, Hamline University, 1992.
Chair, Department of Political Science, Metropolitan State University of Denver, 2019 – present.
Professor, Department of Political Science, Metropolitan State University of Denver, 2018 – present.
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Metropolitan State University of Denver, 2013 – 2018.
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Metropolitan State University of Denver, 2007 – 2013.
Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of Colorado, 2006 – 2007.
Instructor and Assoc. Director of the Social Science Data Laboratory, Department of Political Science, University of Colorado, 2004 – 2006.
Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of Denver, 2003-2004.
Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of Colorado, July 2002 to August 2003.
Adjunct Faculty, Department of Political Science, University of Denver, Winter – Spring, 2003.
Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of Denver, 2001-2002.
2013. Black-Latino Relations in U.S. National Politics: Beyond Conflict and Cooperation. Cambridge University Press. Co-Author: Rodney E. Hero. –Awarded “Best Book on Latino Politics” by the Latino Caucus of the APSA.
2024. “Spanish vs. English Language Media Consumption and Latino Political Trust and Efficacy.” Political Communication, 41(3), 482–503. (Co-Authors Walter Wilson and Bryan Gervais).
2024. “Spanish Language Media Consumption and Latino Civic Engagement.” Political Research Quarterly. Political Research Quarterly, 77(1), 316-327. . (Co-Authors: Walter Wilson and Bryan Gervais).
2021. “Considering Black, Latino, Asian, and Pacific Islander opinion on foreign policy.” Orbis 65(4): 583-598.
2021. “Black-Latino Relations in Congress: Examining Institutional Context and Inter-Minority Group Relations Further.” In Congress Reconsidered 12th Edition. Larry Dodd and Bruce Oppenheimer, Eds. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage: 167-194. (Co-Author: Rodney E. Hero).
2020. “Pack Your Politics! Assessing the Vote Choice of Latino Interstate Migrants.” The Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Politics. 5(1): 130-165. DOI:
2020. “The 2016 Latino Vote in Colorado.” In Latinos and the 2016 Election. Gabriel Sanchez, Luis Fraga and Ricardo Ramirez (Eds.), East Lansing MI: Michigan State University Press (Forthcoming).
2019. “Are these Friends also ‘Friends of the Court’?: Examining Minority Legal Advocacy Organization Coalitions in Amicus Brief Filings.” Politics, Groups and Identities. 7(3): 489-508. Co-Author: Rodney E. Hero.
2018. “Still Contesting Colorado? The Politics of the 2016 Election in Colorado.” In Presidential Swing States (2nd Edition). David Schultz and Rafael Jacob, Eds. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Lexington Books. Chapter 7 (pp. 177-202). Co-Authors: Provizer, N., and Thangasamy, A.
2018. “The Election of Federico Peña of Denver: The Challenge of Succession.” In Latino Mayors: Political Change in the Postindustrial City. Marion Orr and Domingo Morel (Ed.). Temple University Press. Chapter 4 (pp. 98-129).
2017. “Racial and Ethnic Descriptive Representation in the US and its Impact.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science. Ed. Sandy Maisel. New York: Oxford University Press.
2017. “Black-Latino Relations in Congress: Examining Inter-Minority Group Relations in Institutional Context.” In Congress Reconsidered 11th Edition. Larry Dodd and Bruce Oppenheimer, Eds. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Pp. 139-161. (Co-Author: Rodney E. Hero).
2015. “Contesting Colorado: The Politics of Change in the Centennial State”. In Presidential Swing States: Why Only Ten Matter. Stacy Hecht Hunter and David Schultz, Eds. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Lexington Books. Chapter 8. Co-Authors: Provizer, N., and Thangasamy, A.
2015. “The 2012 Latino Vote in Colorado.” In Latinos and the 2012 Election: The New Face of the American Voter Gabriel Sanchez (Ed.), (pp. 61-75). East Lansing MI: Michigan State University Press.
2012. “Irreplaceable Legislators? Rethinking Minority Representatives in the New Century.” American Journal of Political Science. 56(3): 705-716. Co-Author: Eric Gonzalez Juenke.
2011. “Latino U.S. State Legislators in the 1990’s: Majority-Minority Districts, Minority Incorporation, and Institutional Position.” State Politics and Policy Quarterly. 11(1): 48-75. Co-Author: Eric Gonzalez Juenke.
2011. “A Different Kind of Representation: Black and Latino Descriptive Representation and the Role of Ideological Cuing.” Political Research Quarterly. 64(1): 157-171. Co-Author: Rodney E. Hero.
2010. “Black-Latino Political Relationships: Policy Voting in the U.S. House of Representatives.” American Politics Research 38(3): 531-562. Co-Author: Rodney E. Hero.
2010. “The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same: Race on the Cover of Sports Illustrated.” The National Social Science Journal 35(1): 118-127. Co-Authors: Eric Primm, Robert M. Regoli and John D. Hewitt.
2009. “Collateral Consequences of a Collateral Penalty: The Negative Effect of Felon Disenfranchisement Laws on the Political Participation of Non-Felons.” Social Science Quarterly, 90(1): 722-43. Co-Author: Melanie Bowers (former CU undergraduate student).
2009. “Beyond (the Scope of) Conflict: National Black and Latino Advocacy Group Relations in the Congressional and Legal Arenas.” Perspectives on Politics, 7(3): 501-517. Co-author: Rodney E. Hero.
2007. “Immigration and the Evolving American Welfare State: Examining Policies in the U.S. States.” American Journal of Political Science, 51(July): 498-517. Co-author: Rodney E. Hero.
2007. “Descriptive Representation as a Mechanism to Mitigate Policy Backlash:Latino Incorporation and Welfare Policy in the American States.” Political Research Quarterly, 60(June): 277–92.
2006. “Multiculturalism and Welfare Policies in the U.S. States: A State-level Comparative Analysis” In Multiculturalism and the Welfare State: Recognition and Redistribution in Contemporary Democracies . Wil Kymlicka and Keith Banting, eds. Oxford University Press, pp. 121-151. Co-author: Rodney E. Hero.
2006. “From Civil Rights to Multiculturalism and Welfare for Immigrants: An Egalitarian Tradition Across the American States?” Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race 3(2): 317-340. Co-Author: Rodney E. Hero.
2006. “The Conditional Effects of Minority Descriptive Representation: Black Legislators and Policy Influence in the American States.” The Journal of Politics, 68(August): 585-599.
2005. “Descriptive Representation, Legislative Leadership, and Direct Democracy: Latino Influence on English Only Laws in the States, 1984-2002.” State Politics and Policy Quarterly, 5(Fall): 203-224.
2004. “Satisfied? Institutional Determinants of Citizen Evaluation of Democarcy.” Politics and Policy, 32 (March): 72-97. Co-authors: Heidi Berggren, Gregory Fugate and Dennis Still.
2001. “State Felon Disenfranchisement Policy.” Social Science Quarterly, 82 (December): 733-748.
2001. “Graduate Students Mentoring Graduate Students: A Model for Professional Development.” PS: Political Science and Politics, 34 (March): 131-133. Co-Authors: Gregory Fugate and Patricia Jaramillo.
2000. “Modeling Volatility in Political Time Series.” Electoral Studies: An International Journal on Voting and Electoral Systems and Strategy 19 (March): 95-110. Co-Author: Cherie Maestas.
1999. “State Policy Components of Interstate Migration in the United States.” Political Research Quarterly 52 (September): 527-549.
2018. Review of Racial Realignment: The Transformation of American Liberalism, 1932–1965, by Eric Schickler and Twists of Fate: Multiracial Coalitions and Minority Representation in the US House of Representatives, by Vanessa C. Tyson. Perspectives on Politics, Vol. 16, Issue 2: 527-529.
2013. Review of Oversight: Representing the Interests of Blacks and Latinos in Congress, by Michael D. Minta. Political Science Quarterly, 128 (Summer 2): 373–374.
2012. Review of State of Change: Colorado Politics in the Twenty-First Century, edited by Courtenay W. Daum, Robert J. Duffy and John A. Straayer. Great Plains Research 22 (Fall 2): 219.
2020. Editor. Gender and Racial/Ethnic Diversity in Colorado’s Legislature: Lessons from the 2018 Elections and 2019 Session. Golda Meir Center for Political Research (July 2020).
2019. The Political Participation of Immigrants and the Naturalization Backlog in Colorado. Gold Meir Center for Political Research (March 2019).
2002. Editor, “The State of Colorado’s Racial and Ethnic Minorities,” March, 2002. A student-authored study conducted in a seminar. Covered by Colorado Public Radio at:
Metropolitan State University of Denver
American National Government
Intro to Public Administration
Public Policy
Senior Experience: Democracy in the US and 3rd World
Intergovernmental Relations
Political Systems and Ideas
Conducting Political Analysis
State and Local Government
Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation
Emerging Urban Political Systems
University of Colorado at Boulder
The American Congress
The American Political System
Political Science Data Analysis-Graduate Level
Political Science Data Analysis-Undergraduate
The American Presidency
State Government and Politics
Urban Politics
Progress and Problems in American Democracy—Racial Politics
Public Opinion and Political Behavior
Survey Research Methods-Sociology Dept.
Introduction to Social Statistics-Sociology Dept.
Interest Groups and Pressure Groups
Music and Politics
University of Denver
U.S. Congress
Introduction to American Politics
Political Behavior: Attitudes and Public Opinion
Political Parties and Interest Groups
Urban Politics
State and Local Politics
Minority Politics
Presenter, Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, “State Racial Context and Racial Partisan-Ideological Sorting,” January 12, 2023.
Presenter, Puentes: Bridging American Politics’ Interest Group and Institutions Research, School of Politics and Global Studies & Center for Latina/os and American Politics Research, Arizona State University, “The Hollow Prize?” October 28, 2022.
Presenter, Southwest Social Science Association Annual Meeting, “Linguistic Media Environments and Democratic Attitudes Among Latinos,” April 22, 2022 (Co-Authors: Walter Wilson and Bryan Gervais).
Presenter, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, “Racialized Partisan Sorting in the States: New Measures, Causes and Consequences,” Oct. 2, 2021 (Co-author: Rodney E. Hero and Pablo Poveda).
Presenter, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, “Who reacts to Whom?: Racial Context and Political Identities in the States,” Sept. 13, 2020 (Co-author: Rodney E. Hero).
Presenter, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, “The Political Behavior of Black Interstate Migrants.” Poster Session. August 29, 2019.
Presenter, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, “Revisiting the ‘Faces of Inequality’,” (Co-Author: Rodney E. Hero), September, 2018.
Presenter, Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting, “The Diversity Dynamic: Revisiting the “Faces of Inequality” in the States: Continuity and Change in the Effects of Racial Diversity on Minority Income and Homeownership Rates and Ratios,” (Co-Author: Rodney E. Hero), March 2018.
Presenter, 2017 Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement Meeting. “MSU Denver Latino Student Civic Engagement: Outcomes from the MSL.” Baltimore, MD, June 7-10, 2017. (Poster Presented by Co-Author). Co-Authors: Bethany Fleck-Dillon, Gretta Mincer and Lori McKinney (all MSU-Denver Faculty).
Presenter, Latinos in the 2016 Election: A National Symposium Sponsored by the Institute for Latino Studies. “The 2016 Latino Vote in Colorado.” University of Notre Dame, Dec. 2, 2016.
Presenter, Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, “Swing State Colorado,” Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. (April 2015)
Poster Presentation, Preuhs, R. R., Alyesse, S. (Author), 2013 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, “The Divided States of America: Variation in the Political Divisions Within the States,” Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. (April 11, 2013).
Presenter, Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, “The 2012 Latino Vote in Colorado,” Western Political Science Association, Hollywood, CA. (March 28, 2013)
Discussant, Poster Session, Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, April 12-15, 2012.
Presenter, “The Conditional Nature of Legislator Responsiveness.” A poster prepared for presentation at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 12-15. Co-Authored with Charles Buchanan (MSU- Denver undergraduate).
Presenter, “Racial and Economic Cleavages in State Legislatures.” Paper prepared for the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, April 23-25, 2012, Portland, Oregon.
Presenter, “The Substantive Effects of Majority-Minority Districts on Adjacent District Representatives in U.S. State Legislatures.” 2011. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, San Antonio, TX. April 21-23, 2011. (Co-Authored with Eric Gonzalez Juenke).
Presenter, “Legislative Size, Geo-Political Segregation and Policy Liberalism in the States.” 2010. Presented at the Conference on Democratic Representation at Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. November 12-13, 2010.
Presenter, “Racial and Economic Segregation, Representation and Social Welfare: A state-level analysis.” 2009. Presented at the conference on “Reducing Poverty: Assessing Recent State Policy Innovations and Strategies” at Emory University Atlanta, GA. November 19-20, 2009. Co-authored with Rodney E. Hero.
Discussant, “Poster Session 1, Group 5.” on Immigration policy in the states. 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Sept. 3-6, 2009, Toronto, CA.
Presenter, “Racial and Economic Segregation, Representation and Social Welfare: A state-level analysis.” 2009. Presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Sept. 3-6, 2009, Toronto, CA. (Co-authored with Rodney E. Hero).
Presenter, “A Different Kind of Representation: Black and Latino Descriptive Representation and the Role of Ideological Cuing.” 2009. Paper Prepared for delivery at the Southwestern Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. April 8-11, 2009. (co-authored with Rodney E. Hero). Recipient of the Pi Sigma Alpha Award for Best Paper.
Presenter, “Solutions to the Representation Puzzle: Blacks and Latinos in State Legislatures.” 2009. Presented at the Underrepresented Groups in Subnational Politics Conference at Rice University, Houston, TX, May 15-16, 2009. (Co-authored with Eric Juenke).
Presenter, “Trustees or Delegates? Black and Latino Representation at the State Legislative Level.” 2009. Presetnted at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association. Vancouver, Canada, March 2009. (Co-authored with Eric Juenke).
Presenter, “Black-Latino Political Relationships: Examining Policy Voting in the U.S. House of Representatives.” 2008. 2008 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA, August 28-31, 2008. (Co-authored with Rodney E. Hero).
Presenter, “Black and Latino Inter-group Relations: Examining Minority Advocacy Organizations’ Activities in the Congressional and Legal Arenas.” 2008. University of Washington’s WISER Center 2nd Annual Conference: Obstacles and Opportunities: Latino Policy Issues and Political Representation, Seattle, WA, April 25-26, 2008. (Co-authored with Rodney E. Hero).
Presenter, “Policy Outsiders as Institutional Insiders: The Dual Nature of Majority-Minority Voting Districts in the American States.” 2008. 2008 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 3-5, 2008. (Co-authored with Eric Gonzalez Juenke).
Presenter, “Wide Left or Wide Right? Latino Voter and Legislator Political Preferences.” 2008. 2008 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 3-5, 2008. (Co-authored with Eric Gonzalez Juenke and Sylvia Manzano).
Presenter, “Taking Latinos Seriously? Linkages between Legislative and Mass Preferences at the State Level.” 2008. 2008 Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, San Diego, CA, March 20-22, 2008. (Co-authored with Eric Gonzalez Juenke and Sylvia Manzano).
Discussant, Panel on “Framing Immigration and the Border.” 2008 Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, San Diego, CA, March 20-22, 2008.
Presenter, “Searching for the Third Dimension: Electoral Success, Ideology, and Influence in Latino’s MMDs in the U.S. States.” 2007. 7th Annual Conference on State Policy and Politics. Austin, TX. (Co-authored with Eric Gonzalez Juenke).
Presenter, “A Unified Theory of Minority-Majority Districts, Racial and Ethnic Incorporation, and Legislative Influence: Latino Legislators in the American States.” 2006 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA. (Co-authored with Eric Gonzalez Juenke).
Presenter, “A Unified Theory of Minority-Majority District Effects: Latino Legislators.” 2006 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. (Co-authored with Eric Gonzalez Juenke).
Presenter, “National Black and Latino Advocacy Groups: Re-examining the promise of cooperation.” 2005 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C. (Co-authored with Rodney E. Hero).
Presenter, “The Curvilinear Nature of Race and the Welfare State: Rethinking the linear assumption.” 2005 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Presenter, “Multiculturalism and Welfare Policies Across the States of the United States: Do they Vary Inversely, or Together?” 2005 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. (Co-authored with Rodney E. Hero and Andy Thangasamy).
Discussant, Panel 15. 03 – Attitudes on Immigration Policy. 2004 Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Portland, OR.
Presenter, “Evoking Milagro: Water rights and Latino politics in Colorado and New Mexico.” 2003 Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Denver, CO. (Co-authored with Patricia Jaramillo)
Presenter, “Black and Latino National Advocacy Groups and Tacit Non-cooperation: Re-examining the Competition-Cooperation Dichotomy.” 2003 Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Denver, CO. (Co-Authored with Rodney Hero and Alvin Tillery)
Presenter, “Descriptive Representation and Minority Influence in State Legislatures.” 2nd Annual State Policy and Politics Conference, Milwaukee, WI May 24-25, 2002.
Chair, APSA Committee on Education and Professional Development Panel 2: “What Doctoral Students and Graduate Students Value in the Ph.D. Programs.” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA, 2001.
Presenter, “Representation is Not Enough: Institutional Position and Minority Influence in the American States.” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA, 2001.
Presenter, “The Effect of Social Diversity on Ideological Patterns in the States: An Empirical Test.” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C., 2000. (Co-authored with Gregory Fugate and Dennis Still).
Presenter, “Social Diversity and State Public Policies: Examining Continuity and Change.” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C., 2000. (Co-authored with Rodney Hero).
Presenter, “Beyond the Black Belt: The Minority Power Hypothesis.” Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, San Jose, CA, 2000.
Presenter, “Civil Disabilities: Race, Culture, and Ideological Explanations.” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA, 1999.
Presenter, “Cooperation Between Classes: Differential Payoffs in Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma Games.” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA, 1998.
Presenter, “State Policy Components of Interstate Migration in the States.” Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Norfolk, VA, 1997.
Latino Politic Section Award for Best Book on Latino Politics. Awarded for Black Latino Relations in US National Politics.”
Pi Sigma Alpha Award for Best Paper Presented at the 2009 meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association.
Best Graduate Student Paper on State Politics and Policy at APSA in 2001. “Representation is Not Enough” Awarded by the APSA Organized Section on State Politics and Policy.
University of Colorado Graduate School Award for Excellence in Research and Creative Work (1 of 3 University-wide recipients), 2001.
Ferrel Heady Award for Outstanding Master’s Thesis, School of Public Administration, University of New Mexico, 1996.
Professional Association Service
Section Chair, Subnational Politics and Federalism Section, Southwestern Political Science Association Annual Meeting, (2010).
Department, College and Univeristy Service (Metropolitan State University of Denver):
Member, CLAS Retention, Tenure and Promotion Committee, 2018-2019.
Member, American Democracy Project Committee, 2016-present.
Chair, Public Affairs and Administration (American Politics) Search Committee, 2012-13 AY.
Faculty Guide (Mentor), Faculty Mentor, (August 2011 -14).
MSU-Denver Faculty Senate for Political Science, (2009 – 14).
MSU-Denver Faculty Senate Budget Committee (2012-14)
Chair, Comparative and Public Policy Search Committee, 2010-2011 AY.
Floor and Assembly Marshall, Commencement, Floor and Assembly Marshall,. (May 2010 – Present).
Roy Alexander Scholarship Committee, Committee Member (2009-Present)
Search Committee, Native American Studies position, Spring 2008.
Search Committee, Comparative Search Committee, Spring 2008.
Member, Faculty Senate Instructional Resources Committee, Fall 2007-Spring 2008.
Member, Fire Science Education Program Committee, Spring 2008.
Undergraduate Honor’s Thesis Committee Member
Anna Sawyer, MSU Denver Honors Thesis (Chair) 2019.
Melanie Bowers, University of Colorado at Boulder (Chair) 2006-7. Summa Cum Laude.
Marissa Robinson, University of Colorado at Boulder (Chair) 2006-7. Summa Cum Laude.
Joshua Buddle, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2006.
Issac Rothschild, University of Denver, 2003.
Treasach Ford, University of Denver, 2002.
Anne Nordness, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2001.
Dissertation Committee Member
Keith Stockton, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2008.
Ana DeLeon, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2015-17.
Member or Past Member
American Political Science Association; Western Political Science Association; Midwestern Political Science Association.
American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science; Journal of Politics; American Politics Research; Political Research Quarterly; Political Science Quarterly; State Politics and Policy Quarterly; Journal of Law and Society; Politics and Policy; Policy Studies Journal; Social Science Quarterly, State and Local Government Review; Publius; Legislative Studies Quarterly; Comparative Political Studies; OMNES: Journal of Migration and Society; National Science Foundation; Social Problems; Urban Affairs Review; Sociological Perspective; Analysis of Social Issues and Public Policy; Social Forces; British Journal of Political Science; Election Law Review; Ethnic and Racial Studies; Research and Politics; Politics, Groups and Identifies; Journal of Politics, Race and Ethnicity.