The Teaching Apprentice Journal

A new tool.

Our work evolves in the Young Artist Studio. Our strategies adapt, our exhibitions change, our staff is often in flux. Throughout the years our teaching team has worked to communicate to one another, sharing tips and tools, etc. I would like to use this platform to track the lessons that we are developing as well as to learn from each of you what you are learning as you evolve as a teacher.

Please take the time to learn to use this tool. The “Insert Read More Tag” is a helpful item in the insert menu. You can add images with captions, links, videos, etc. It is possible to add columns and to format each section as well if you would like to learn “shortcode.” There are many pages of wordpress help on the internet. Take time to research if you get stuck.

Like any tool, there are good and better ways to make what you want to make.

Your approach will tell a particular story.


Although it took me a little while to figure it out…it is actually quite easy to embed a video. I will add post the steps here.

Sangre Colorado

You might think about who is potentially reading your blog post (one another, CVA staff, future employers, and funders) as you write. Adding links may be helpful to cross-reference.


In each journal entry, please write about the following:

  1. The lesson goal and strategies you used.
  2. The ways in which you spent time with the kids in the exhibition.
  3. Any images of work or of kids working that will help to tell the story.
  4. Surprises, successes, reflections on ways to adapt your teaching in the future.

Thank you! I think this tool will be invaluable to all of us. I can imagine that initially this will take some time to learn to use and to become part of your routine. I believe that this will be a helpful tool for the CVA, but also for your future career! Please let me know how I can help you build your blogging ability.




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