First Day of Creative Industries Internship

Welcome Creative Interns of 2018! We are so excited to have you all here! We start off with the My Art activity where we introduce ourselves and make some art! After completing introductions together we establish expectations we all have for each other and as individuals in relation to the program. In the afternoon we design our sketchbooks and make our mark! The day ends with high hopes and excitement for what’s to come this year!

Return to Civic Center: Public Presentations.

The Interns have finished their designs and are ready to display them in the public arena. We set up camp in Civic Center Park and the interns spoke with the people passing by! Additionally some creative professionals we visited throughout the program came to visit and experience the interns designs. And everyone enjoyed the delicious food trucks again!

Prototype Designs Revealed: The Finals are in!

Today is the day! After all the the determination, creativity, and hard work all the Creative Interns have finished their prototypes for the Call of Entry. Each group presented their ideas and the thinking behind their designs in front of the panel judges; Amy Kern, Rick Griffith, Amy Phare, Brian Corrigan, Andrea Barela and Robbie Farschman. The judges gave feedback and recognition for all the groups promising and well developed presentations.

Creative professionals: A look inside the professions of the arts

Today we have special guests visiting the Creative Interns! The guests include: Rick Griffith, Christina McClelland, AJ Delp, Rachel Trigano, and Sonia Rae. They all have inspiring professional careers in the arts. The interns sat individually with the guests and spoke with them about their lives and how they became involved in their careers. The Interns learned about diverse experiences in individual careers in the arts.

Studio Work: Approaching the Finish line!

 For the past few weeks the Creative interns have developed their concepts and have started to build their prototypes! All the groups have different approaches to create an inclusive, creative space for the community! Each group is working hard but they are making sure not to let the fun be forgotten!!

Take a look at what the Creative Interns have worked on so far!

Botanic Gardens: Sculptures, sculptures, sculptures!

Today we got to visit the Denver Botanic Gardens where we got an immersive tour about the famous Sculptor Alexander Calder and his works. We learned  about the history of the artist while we witness the incredible sculptures he had created! After the tour the interns ate lunch and listened to Nicole Vasonci speak about marketing for the Gardens and the role she plays. Back at the CVA, Creative Interns continue to work hard on their ideations.

LegWork Studio: Advertisement in the arts

The Call for Entry has been given and the interns are working hard with their groups in developing their prototypes! In the afternoon we visited LegWork and met with the lead designer, Aaron Ray. We learned about many interactive digital design projects that LegWork has created including animated advertisements they create for companies around the world. This is just one of the many opportunities where the interns get to witness a career in the arts.

Ideation Day: Teams announced!

Yesterday the Interns received the call of entry and then were sent home with a sketchbook assignment to sketch out a solution that they envision. Today we hung all the ideas and everyone choose the ideas of their peers they liked the most. Based off of who like whose groups were created and then announced to the interns. For the rest of the day they got down to the nitty gritty of  ideation and started building their vision.

Denver Arts and Venus.

Today we visited Mc Nichols in Civic Center park, where the interns got an intimate look at the impact Denver Arts and Venues has on the community. An amazing presentation was given by Mary Valdez and Lisa Gedguadas about citywide programs  to develop essential growth in the art community in Denver.

After the presentation and getting lunch from the delicious food trucks at the civic center we all took a walk through Denver’s public art projects! On the walk we scoped out some of the murals the Denver Arts and Venus have commissioned.

Opportunity Walk, with Brain Corrigan:

On our second day the Creative Industries Interns get to go on a walk through the neighborhood off or the Santa Fe art district with Brain Corrigan; the creator of Oh Heck Yeah! On the walk the Brian and the interns shared a dialog about how spaces in a neighborhood can become more creative and inclusive for the people in it. Along the way the interns developed ideas for creative spaces to promote community involvement.


Graduation DAY!


Yay! YOU did it!

Please make the absolute most of today 🙂

  • Represent yourself and your community proudly during your presentations.
  • Make sure you find ways to stay in touch with new buddies!
  • Please offer sincere and thoughtful feedback in your evaluation of the program.
  • Clean out your drawer so that we can fill it again with great art when you return!

July 29th, 2016

Teamwork is a necessary value in creating our proposals, and in creating creative pieces in general. Today was very centered on that value, in both our group work and in our other activities. The majority of today was studio work to further develop our projects for OhHeckYeah!, and it was interesting to see how even though all of the groups had been given the same gameplay restrictions, allowing for only simple controls, everyone seemed to create a unique idea. In the later hours of the day, all of the interns took part in an exercise to facilitate teamwork where teammates would work together to guide a blindfolded person through a maze. On top of being a fun activity to break up the work day, it also taught us teamwork skills that will be valuable as we continue our game development process

– Honor Miles

Revisit RFP

Tomorrow we will present our proposals!
Are we doing what we set out to do? Let’s check the RFP.

Introducing the Panic Monster only two days left!!

What We Accomplished Today:

  • First we went on an adventure to the programming studio named Modeset.
    • Here we learned about all the different uses for computer coding. Like how it can be used or making many GIFs, and how it factors into all the different creative industries.
    • Justin also showed us a lot of projects that  he worked on. For example, the multiple Nike store opportunities, the DAM Dance Workshop, and OhHeckYeah! games.
  • During our much needed lunch we finished watching “Exit Through the Gift Shop” a documentary about street art and featuring a very respected artist named Bansky.
  • After that nice enjoyable break we interns got down to business and really started to put the finishing touches on our game design boards, and models. These are all turning out to be very impressive and creative.

I wish you guys the best of luck in finishing them, and hope you guys have a fun time at the museum tomorrow. I hope to hear all about it.
                    – Jovana  

In the Words of Rihanna…. Work Work Work Work  7-22-16

Today in the internship we had a full work day for our game design boards that we are presenting to OHY! this Friday. I found this very helpful because with having all those hours to work, we got a lot more done than just the half work days we had in the past. In my group we had gotten the entire background of our deign board finished as well as all of our characters created in the finals. All in all it was a productive and fun day.


Arts for Colorado & Steven Tepper of the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts at Arizona State 

Sketchbook Assignment

Artist Mathieu Tremblin recently took to the streets of France on a rather quixotic mission to improve the legibility of ugly graffiti. Mimicking the scale, color, and layering of each tag, Tremblin created his own replica in a perfectly crisp font. It’s hard to say if either version is more aesthetically pleasing, but he definitely gets an ‘A’ for effort. (via Design You Trustthnx Nikki!)
This morning, I’d like you to decode an artwork in the gallery: DRAW WHAT YOU SEE.

So many times with Abstract Expressionism, viewers “see” something that is not there. This is your brain trying to make sense of what you are looking at.
—Find a painting in the gallery
​—Draw what you see in the chaos of the image

Professional Future!

Today was an exciting yet calm day at the CVA. We were fortunate enough to attend a panel discussion with four amazing and influential artists in the Denver community. They helped us imagine what their jobs were like and gave us ideas, inspiration, and advice on how to go about an artistic career.
In the afternoon Robyn prepared us for our professional future by giving us tips and tricks on how to make a LinkedIn account and helped us to create a resume entry for our Creative Industries Internship. 


Please take your character for a walk in the gallery.
Find a work of art to sketch and then place your character in the artwork 🙂

Pencils only. Colored are ok. No food or drinks.


Create a machine animal mashup.​



July 21st, 2016

      Today we started the day off by doing a sketch book entry in our note books. The assignment was to write 3-5 things that our group needed to get done for the day. We then met in our groups to set that list into action. Most teams needed to start working on their design boards.

After lunch, we all walked down to the Denver Art Museum. With us, we carried our sketch books and took note of the visual aesthetics all around us, that we could incorporate into our game design. At the DAM, we took a look at the “Women of Abstract Expressionism” exhibit, and compared it to the similar display we see in the CVA every day.

Our last stop at DAM (which was probably the coolest), was #dancelab. DanceLab is a unique dance installation created by  Wonderbound and Legwork Studio. You are invited to follow dance steps choreographed, or free style in front of a screen that records your moves. The lab speeds you up and plays different shots in different variations- as Matt and Aron told us at our Legwork tour. You can see your movements combined with other’s for a collective dance experience projected on a large wall. We got to experience it first hand, and it was cool knowing how it was created

Elements of a good sales pitch…


  • Understand the audience and try to relate
  • Have a clear vision for your audience
  • Highlight benefits of product
  • Well rehearsed
  • Convincing/why?
  • Be prepared for all questions
  • Establish a connection
  • Call to action!
  • Confidence
  • Introduce yourself!
  • Present as a team

  • Saying price too soon
  • Talking too fast
  • Don’t yell at your audience
    • Don’t “Slap Chop” them
  • Don’t try to force your product
  • Don’t touch the audience
  • Don’t talk down to your audience
  • Don’t upstage someone


Illustrate a favorite moment in a movie, play or tv show.

Recap of Brandon’s Design lesson

These are highlights of the slide presentation. The presentation below covers typography basics as well as “Do’s and Don’ts” of design layout.


Please take a moment to jot down 3-5 things you would like your group to accomplish today. Thanks!
The groundbreaking exhibition Women of Abstract Expressionism celebrates the often unknown female artists of this mid-twentieth-century art movement. More than 50 major paintings are on view by artists working on the East and West Coasts during the 1940s and ’50s: Mary Abbott, Jay DeFeo, Perle Fine, Helen Frankenthaler, Sonia Gechtoff, Judith Godwin, Grace Hartigan, Elaine de Kooning, Lee Krasner, Joan Mitchell, Deborah Remington, and Ethel Schwabacher. This is the first presentation of works by these artists together at one time.
Women of Abstract Expressionism focuses on the expressive freedom of direct gesture and process at the core of abstract expressionism, while revealing inward reverie and painterly expression in these works by individuals responding to particular places, memories, and life experiences.

Adobe Illustrator

While yesterday’s introduction to Adobe Illustrator barely scratched the surface of what this program can do, I wanted you all to have the opportunity to play around with it in a low stakes situation.

The Pen Tool games that teach the essential functions of this most important tool. If you can master the pen tool, there’s nothing you cannot create in Illustrator. For everything else, there is a wellspring of tutorials on youtube. While not all are top quality, you will certainly be able to teach yourself how to rock this program.

​Here are links to the games we played as well as links to solid, helpful tutorials

Some examples of Adobe play


We have new opportunities so we are flexing the schedule  🙂

Tuesday – Design Boards and Illustrator Workshop
Wednesday – Design Boards and DAM visit
Thursday – Sales Pitch Workshop and Complete Design Boards
Friday – Asset Planning and Fun/Catch-up

Monday – Redline Visit and Sales Pitch Workshop
Tuesday – Arts and Culture Panel Discussion and Asset Building
Wednesday – Modeset Visit  and Asset Completion
Thursday – Sales Pitch Rehearsal/Resume Writing and Intro to LinkedIn and DMNS Behind the Scenes
Friday – Deliver Game Proposals and Wrap-up

Friday August 5th – CVA Summer Party with OHY!


Design an avatar of yourself. Any style. Full body. In action. Portrait. Headshot. Glamour shot. You call it.


What is the role of the artist in society?

Week 1: CVA Internship

The end of week one at the CVA Internship and the fun has only just begun.  This first week at the CVA has been tons of fun learning experiences.  For example, learning about the diverse pool of interns and even visiting the Legworks studio. The experiences at the CVA are unlike any other because of the amazing people here and the incredible sense of community. Here,  we come together to balance work and play.

Bastille Day a.k.a Connor’s birthday!


​We were inspired by a start up company making it so far. Legwork has only been around for seven years and they already work with companies like Nike! We learned about the “procrastination monkey” from Tim Urban through TED Talk, and how when the deadline approaches the “panic monster” is activated. To end of the day, we worked with science to create light, utilizing circuits.


Team Design Challenge: A Seafaring Vessel.

On the butcher paper in front of you, as a TEAM, design a:

  • yacht for your moms
  • an intercontinental ship to bring 127 zebras to their new home across the sea
  • a ship for the future queen of Narnia


  • the worlds most stealth pirate ship

Please say hello to all the people at the table before you jump in AND perhaps begin with a big list of brainstorming ideas before you start your illustrations.


Please complete your simple circuit and enjoy elaborating on it.

End it with a Party

Today we celebrate the joys of our internship: what we have learned through shared experience, the friendships we have made, and the knowledge that we have gained and given. We also celebrate CVA(Center for Visual Art) turning 25 today! This gallery has graciously hosted us for these past three weeks and today we pay them back. The interns will be manning the OhHeckYeah! booth at CVA’s street fair and also providing art-making opportunities for every kiddo that wants to get creative! These interns, now well versed in OHY!’s games and mission of building community through play and steeped in professional practice, are ready to show the public what they’re made of and the skills they’ve gained. The weather was perfect, the music was amazing, and the food was on point! Like every good intern, our interns know that every successful event starts with group stretches…

Pitch Day … !!!

Seeing the interns dressed as the professionals they will undoubtedly become, feeling the nervous excitement in the room as they put last-minute touches on their presentations while the judges made small talk, made me think back over the past three weeks. This was the culminating event of our intensive internship that bound together a group of strangers into friends, into teammates, into collaborators.
Watching these high school students present their game concepts to Brian, Justin, and Talya, I was amazed to see the final design concepts each team had artfully crafted. Each game concept was tailored to the specs laid out by OhHeckYeah in their Request for Proposal. The games, Fly Pig, Otter Space, Ready to Rock, and Desert Dash showcased all of the design work that we’d done, all of the effort and skill of the interns, and all of the fun that we’d had on our collective journey. It was inspiring to say the least.
This group of amazing high school interns, with their professional work ethic and adolescent fervor for fun, outdid themselves and are certainly bound to do great things. It was truly a pleasure getting to know Courtney, Shemsu, Honor, Sophia, Zef, Adonis, Adrian, Sarah, Minah, Claudia, and Akil!

History of Colorado . . . and Toys

We began the day unlike the other days and ventured off to the Colorado History Museum to see behind-the-scenes expeditions and explore what the museum had to offer. We met with Abbie, Ginni and Todd and they talked to us about what they do at the museum and how different career paths led them to the same location. Todd for example, is actually paid to be on social media all day. He’s basically a professional teenager. After their speeches, Scott led us back upstairs and we climbed  up four stories to reach the toys exhibit. Our inner five year-old came out and we panned out the exhibit seeking different toys such as the Slinky, Twister, Trouble, and Hula Hoops. The simplicity of toys like Hula Hoops and Slinkies show how even something as simple as a circle can be something that is timeless and people of all generations can enjoy– much like the games that we are currently attempting to develop.
After the museum, we came back to the CVA where we ate our lunch and went back to studio work and pushed forward on trying to finish our game developments. Suddenly we erupted into multiple choruses of “When I’m Gone” and we all attempted to learn the cup song together. We sang and clapped, tapped, and danced and as the day came to a close, we had to say goodbye to one of our interns who will be going away to backpack for 22 days. Our goodbye group hug was meaningful and summed up a lovely Monday.


Rapid Prototyping—

Panel Experience

Honor Miles
We began our day on friday with a panel that consisted of many accomplished artists and community workers around Denver, like Brian Corrigan, The founder of “OhHeckYeah”, and Marilee Utter, who played a critical role in the zoning of Union Station. Learning about some of our communities leaders’ experiences was really inspiring. One of the most interesting points of the panel discussion was that most of the artists had experienced unexpected life changes or failures that ultimately resulted in them finding their current career path. This discussion was very valuable and

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