by Benjamin Green


The first light of morning

Kindles color

On the canyon cliffs

            Apricot and gypsum

            Blood-red and juniper:

Dawn descends the rock walls trending

Towards the shelter of my home


Where a trick of light

Becomes a nuthatch

Hanging upside down at the feeder:

familiar but never really known.


A coyote watches me, walks away

slowly, turning to look,

as it goes up the arroyo.


A still moment

In the canyon dawn,

Dry and  clear;

Enchanting cottonwoods

Cast spells;

The coyote listens,

Ears lifted.



Benjamin Green is the author of eleven books including The Sound of Fish Dreaming. At the age of sixty-six, he hopes his new work articulates a mature vision of the world and does so with some integrity. He resides in Jemez Springs, New Mexico.

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