Get Involved!

Like Math? Want to be involved?? Here are some ideas!

At MSU Denver:

  • Come to a Math Club Talk. These are typically the first Friday of each month at 2:30pm in SI 1011. Look for flyers in the Science building as the date approaches.
  • Join MWM, the Metro Women in Math Club. New officers and participants are needed now that we’re back to campus! See dr. diane davis for information.
  • Join the Student Chapter of SIAM, the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
  • Join the Actuarial Club.
  • Present a Poster at the Math and Statistics Student Poster Presentation. This will resume its spring tradition now that campus life is back to normal.

Attend a math conference. Present a talk or a poster.

Apply for a Summer Math Experience.

Watch a math movie

Surf the Web