Math Community

Here are links to different organizations in the broader mathematical community. Maybe there is one that fits you!

  • Spectra: the Association for LGBT Mathematicians
  • Math Alliance: we want to be sure that every underrepresented or underserved American student with the talent and the ambition has the opportunity to earn a doctoral degree in a mathematical or statistical science.
  • OURFA²M²: Online Undergraduate Resource Fair for the Advancement in Academia of Marginalized Mathematicians. You’re a part of OURFA²M² now.
  • Lathisms: Latinxs and Hispanics in the Mathematical Sciences
  • Center for Minorities in the Mathematical Science
  • AWM: Association for Women in Mathematics
  • Científico Latino: Changing the next generation of STEM. Científico Latino aims to help undergraduate, graduate, and professional students by providing mentorship, open-access resources on scholarships, fellowships and blog posts on professional development.