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Abstract & Poster Presentation Information

The Abstract Submission Portal for the October 5, 2024 Meeting is now closed.

We look forward to seeing you at the annual meeting!

To help you prepare, we are roughly following American Association of Biological Anthropologists (AABA) abstract submission guidelines, specifically:

  • Abstracts related to any topic in Biological Anthropology will be considered.
  • Accepted abstracts will be presented as posters.
  • Abstracts cannot exceed 2000 characters (roughly 250 words). This count applies to the text of the abstract (not including title, authors, affiliations, and grant support acknowledgements).
  • Author information is needed for ALL authors on the paper: Full name (spell out first names) and affiliation. Please confirm this information with your co-authors.
  • Title is entered separately from the abstract and cannot exceed 500 characters (roughly 70 words). Capitalize only the first word of the title and the first word after a colon.
  • Funding statement (optional) text (about funding only) is to be pasted into the online system. Limit 200 characters (roughly 30 words).
  • Abstract classification/keywords. When you submit your abstract, you will be asked to chose the subject that best classifies your abstract from a list of keywords. Please choose carefully! This will enable your abstract to be appropriately reviewed and grouped with presentations on similar topics.
  • Posters should should not exceed 48″ X 36″ (landscape format, 48” = horizontal dimension). Authors will give a brief, 3 sentence summary of their research and results at the beginning of their session (assigned after the submission deadline).

Student Awards!

To further the RMBAA mission of supporting student research, we will be awarding student prizes! We will award one each to the top graduate and top undergraduate student abstracts at this year’s meeting. Student award recipients will be announced during the meeting’s closing remarks at 4:45 PM.

Eligibility: To be eligible, the student must be currently enrolled, must be the first author on the abstract, and must present the research in person at the conference. If you meet these criteria, please indicate your interest in being considered for the award on the abstract submission form.

Criteria: Abstracts will be judged based on the scientific value and quality of the submitted work. In addition to meeting the eligibility requirements, a competitive abstract should:

– Clearly describe the concept or problem being tested
– Demonstrate new findings or interpretations that improve our understanding
– Propose new directions based on the research findings