Mirka Jara Rivas
Ellie Lukela
Accepted offer at Regis’ counseling program
Keegan Moore
McKenna Prynn
Accepted offer at Regis’ counseling program
Students ran participants in a study examining the impact of a brief values intervention on approach behaviors in a spider-related behavioral approach task.
Students also authored posters that were presented at an international conference (the Association for Behavior Analysis International) in May 2023.
Moore*, K., Lukela*, E., Jara Rivas*, M., Prynn*, M., & Flynn, M. (2023, May). The efficacy of a brief values intervention in a spider-related behavioral approach. Poster accepted for presentation at the Association for Behavioral Analysis International conference in Denver, CO.
Lukela*, E., Moore*, K., Prynn*, M., Jara Rivas*, M., & Flynn, M. (2023, May). Weight-related stigma and well-being among college students with overweight and obesity: The role of fusion as a moderator. Poster accepted for presentation at the Association for Behavioral Analysis International conference in Denver, CO.
Jara Rivas*, M., Prynn*, M., Moore*, K., Lukela*, E., & Flynn, M. (2023, May). Experienced stigma and health care avoidance among women with obesity: Avoidance as a moderator. Poster accepted for presentation at the Association for Behavioral Analysis International conference in Denver, CO.
Prynn*, M. K., Jara Rivas*, M., Lukela*, E., Moore*, K., & Flynn, M. (2023, May). Experienced stigma and health care avoidance among women with obesity: Fusion as a moderator. Poster accepted for presentation at the Association for Behavioral Analysis International conference in Denver, CO.