My Research Area
I care about examining factors that are related to overall well-being and living a rich and meaningful life. Much of my research is focused on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). The aim of ACT is to increase psychological flexibility—the ability to engage in values-based action despite the presence of difficult internal events (e.g., thoughts, feelings, memories).
ACT targets six processes to increase psychological flexibility: acceptance (i.e., willing to have difficult internal events be present), defusion (i.e., holding on to one’s thoughts lightly), self-as-context (i.e., not identifying with experiences, but rather, as a context in which experiences happen), present moment awareness (i.e., being in the here-and-now), values (i.e., what one cares about), and committed action (i.e., persistently engaging in values-based action).
Berkout, O. V., & Flynn, M. K. (in press). Social media utilization, fear of missing out, upward social comparison, and self-compassion as predictors of psychological distress and life satisfaction among individuals with mental health concerns. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science.
Flynn, M. K., Berkout, O. V., & Alde*, E. (in press). Suicidality, gender identity-related stressors, and psychological flexibility among transgender and non-binary adults. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science.
Flynn, M. K., & Bordieri, M. J. (in press). Using Debriefing as a Tool to Enhance the Educational Value of Undergraduate Research Participation. Teaching of Psychology.
Flynn, M. K., & Rocheleau, C. (2024). Undergraduate research pools in psychology departments: Prevalence and practices. Teaching of Psychology, 51(1), 39-45.
Flynn, M. K. & Hebert, E. R. (2022). Values matter in approach behaviors: A replication using contamination anxiety behavioral approach tasks. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 23, 48-52.
Flynn, M. K., & Bhambhani, Y. (2021). Internalized transphobia, nondisclosure of gender identity, and life satisfaction among transgender and non-binary adults: The moderating roles of psychological flexibility and inflexibility. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 20, 194-201.
Hebert, E. R., Flynn, M. K., Kellum, K. K., & Wilson, K. G. (2021). Values intervention as an establishing operation for approach in the presence of aversive stimuli. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 20, 144-154.
Flynn, M. K., & Bordieri, M. J. (2020). On the failure to replicate past findings regarding positive affirmations and self-esteem. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 16, 49-61.
Flynn, M. K. & Hebert, E. R. (2020). The role of psychological flexibility as a mediator between experienced sexual racism and psychological distress among men who have sex with men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 49(2), 711-720.
Bhambhani, Y., Flynn, M. K., Kellum, K. K. & Wilson, K. G. (2019). Examining sexual racism and body dissatisfaction among men of color who have sex with men: The moderating role of body image inflexibility. Body Image, 28, 142-148.
Flynn, M. K., Bordieri, M. J., & Berkout, O. V. (2019). Symptoms of social anxiety and depression: Acceptance of socially anxious thoughts and feelings as a moderator. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 11, 44-49.
Berkout, O. V., Tinsley, D, & Flynn, M. K. (2019). A review of anger and aggression from an ACT perspective. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 11, 33-43.
Flynn, M. K., Kurz, A. S., & Burkout, O. V. (2019). Psychological inflexibility among college students: Introducing the 6-item Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Weight-related Difficulties. Journal of Latinx Psychology, 7(2), 123-137.
Flynn, M. K., Hernandez, J. O., Hebert, E. R., James*, K. K., & Kusick*, M. K. (2017). Cognitive fusion among Hispanic college students: Further validation of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 7, 29-34.
Flynn, M.K., Berkout, O. V., & Bordieri, M. J. (2016). Cultural considerations in the measurement of psychological flexibility: Initial validation of the acceptance and action questionnaire-II among Hispanic individuals. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice, 16(2), 81-93.
Kurz, A. S., Flynn, M. K., & Bordieri, M. J. (2016). How Bayesian estimation might improve CBS Measure Development: A case study with body-image flexibility in Hispanic students. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 5(3), 146-153.
Flynn, M. K., Schnetzer, L., & Wilson, K. G. (2015). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Addiction. In C. Grønlund & S. Rasmussen (Eds.) Anthology of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Copenhagen, Denmark: Frydenlund.
Wilson, K. G., Schnetzer, L., Flynn, M. K., & Kurz, A. (2012). Treating substance abuse with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. In S.C. Hayes & M. Levin (Eds.) Mindfulness and Acceptance for Addictive Behaviors: Applying Contextual CBT to Substance Abuse and Behavioral Addictions. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
Wilson, K. G., Flynn, M. K., Bordieri, M., Nassar, S., Lucas, N., & Whiteman, K. (2012). Acceptance in Cognitive Behavior Therapy. In W. O’Donohue & J. Fisher (Eds.) Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Core principles for practice. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Wilson, K. G., Bordieri, M., Flynn, M. K., Lucas, N., & Slater, R. (2010). Understanding Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in context: A History of similarities and differences. In J. Herbert & E. Forman (Eds.) Acceptance and mindfulness in Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Wilson, K. G., Sandoz, E. K., Flynn, M. K., Slater, R. M., & DuFrene, T. (2010). Understanding, assessing, and treating values processes in mindfulness and acceptance-based therapies. In Baer, R. (Ed.). Assessing mindfulness and acceptance: Illuminating the processes of change. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.