Fall 2017

Renee Baker

Katy Bauschke

Anne Garofalo

Students authored posters that were presented at an international conference (the Association for Behavior Analysis International) in May 2018.

Garofalo*, A., Baker*, R., Bauschke*, K. & Flynn, M. K. (2018, May). Psychological flexibility moderates the relationship between social anxiety and depression. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, San Diego, CA.

Garofalo*, A., & Flynn, M. K. (2018, May). PTSD and drug use:  A preliminary examination of the role of psychological flexibility as a moderator. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, San Diego, CA.

Baker*, R., Bauschke*, K., Garofalo*, A., & Flynn, M. K. (2018, May). Psychological flexibility moderates the relationship between social anxiety and loneliness. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, San Diego, CA

Bauschke*, K., Garofalo*, A., Baker*, R., & Flynn, M. K. (2018, May). How we treat others:  Psychological flexibility moderates the relationship between social anxiety and relational aggression. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, San Diego, CA