Elise Alde
Cassy Malnar
Terence Meijer
Jenny Valadez Fraire
Students ran participants in a study examining the impact of a brief values intervention on approach behaviors in a spider-related behavioral approach task.
Students also authored posters that were presented at an international conference (the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science) in June 2022.
Valadez Fraire*, J., Malnar*, C., Alde*, E., & Flynn, M. K. (2022, June). Undergraduate participants: The impact of offering an incentive for attending to the debriefing on knowledge and perceptions of research. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science, San Francisco, CA.
Malnar*, C., Alde*, E., Valadez Fraire*, J., & Flynn, M. K. (2022, June). Undergraduate research pools in psychology departments: Prevalence and practices. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science, San Francisco, CA.
Alde*, E., Valadez Fraire*, J., Malnar*, C., & Flynn, M. K. (2022, June). The impact of extended debriefings on knowledge and perceptions of research among undergraduate participants. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science, San Francisco, CA.