Pedagogical activities

Wrapped up in my pedagogical philosophy is the belief that everyone should be given the opportunity to pursue higher education.  My pedagogical philosophy is spelled out more explicitly elsewhere (available upon request), but I pull the following snippet to capture the essence:

I actively advocate for the adoption of innovative teaching techniques, especially active learning and discussions during the lecture period. Humor eases tensions, but actively guiding students in their own discovery of the material, having them discuss with their peers and getting them to be  comfortable in participating is the best way to make the most effective use of the time in class.

Believing that everyone should be given the opportunity to pursue higher education, I advocate for the broadest diversity possible.  A person being from category X or perhaps adopting label Y is not what makes them diverse. Rather, the experiences and perspectives that shape a person are what make them diverse.  Just existing is not so important as what one has learned while existing.  When we listen to each other, we all learn something and it is from interaction among individuals that the group is able to grow.  My diversity statement can be acquired upon request, but I pull the following snippet to capture the essence:

I strive to make my students comfortable. One way in doing this is to speak in gender neutral terms and allow students to freely express their unique identities. I had never treated any student different from another, but I never knew such a choice on my part was so critical in a student’s learning. It perhaps isn’t obvious to the outsider, but being told that my behavior has helped someone learn as an equal to their peers is by far one of the greatest compliments a student has ever given me and one that I will always treasure.

Hybrid and Online Teaching

I am no expert in either hybrid nor online teaching.  That said, it is March in the year 2020 and COVID-19 (the novel coronavirus) is running rampant across the world in an unprecedented pandemic.  It has forced many K-12 schools to close and many colleges and universities to push their classes online. For the past …

Open Educational Resources

I am a huge proponent for OER.  The benefits to the student are tremendous: at the very best, free text books; the very worst, minimal additional costs to take a course. I have been experimenting with two texts, one for College Algebra and another for Calculus III.  In each instance, I have been able to …