It keeps giving…

One thing (among many things) this profession has taught me is to be a better human being – to be accepting of all abilities and disabilities; to recognize different perspectives, and to appreciate resilience. As a speech-language pathologist, I have begun to realize that I am only a guide, an interpreter of differences in communication, a bridge or a mediator who connects people with different communication abilities and people with differences in communication.

I have, over the years, begun to truly understand the saying, “never judge a book by its cover.”
Hidden behind my sometimes quiet, sometimes awkward, sometimes odd, and sometimes brutally honest clients, are individuals who face many odds each day. These are individuals who demonstrate resilience and never talk about it. These are individuals who put in tremendous effort each day to navigate a world that is not necessarily created for them. And in this process of rising above all challenges (intrinsic and those created by society), they not only become a better version of themselves, but inspire me to be a better version of myself.

There have been days in the past when I fed my ego thinking that I was the person making the contribution – the giving person. I have deluded myself into thinking that I was instrumental in making other people communicate “normally.” I have also erroneously believed that I have given too much to my clients and my profession. The truth is that I have gained ten times more than I have ever given or even thought of giving to my profession.

And when I think, I cannot gain more, the profession and the people I am here to serve, keep giving more…

In deepest gratitude for the opportunity to be of service and to be touched by the many lives I serve each day!

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