Please click here to fill out the Notice of Intent form online.
You will be asked to provide this information:
- Organization name and type
- Contact information, including name, address and phone number
- Brief description of your organization’s existing programs or curricula for teachers. Include purpose, objectives, intended audience, and any prerequisites. (Limit 500 characters)
- Possible collaborating organizations on your intended TPS Project Include purpose, objectives, intended audience, and any prerequisites. (Limit 350 characters)
- Brief description of the project you will propose (include teachers targeted, geographic location, program content, etc.) Include purpose, objectives, intended audience, and any prerequisites. (Limit 1500 characters)
- Anticipated results of implementing this project (Limit 900 characters including white spaces)
- Expected dates of project implementation
- Amount requested
Here is the downloadable Notice of Intent PDF if you would like to review the questions before filling out the online form linked above.