Please use the following guidelines when drafting your project proposal.
Project Title
Please include a descriptive title for your project.
Project Narrative
*5-page maximum, at least 11 point font
- Organization name and location
- Current professional development programs
- Partners and/or collaborating organizations
- What individuals or organizations will be working with you on this project?
- What is their role within this project?
- Rationale for your project
- Project goals
- Project objectives
- Project plan
- Target audience
- Location
- Number of educators
- Targeted subject(s) taught
- Grade levels
- Relationship with target audience
- Recruitment plans
- Target audience
- How will you reach your goals and objectives?
- What format (e.g., online, in person, etc.) will be used for training?
- What TPS materials will be incorporated?
- Expected Outcomes
- What projects will participants complete? (Examples: lesson plans, learning activities, primary source sets or journals.)
- Dissemination Activities
- How will you share the outcomes?
- Sustainability
- How will you continue to introduce teachers to TPS materials beyond the funding cycle?
Project Evaluation
How will you determine the success of your project?
Project Timeline
Budget and Justification
*3-page maximum
Costs associated with implementing your proposed project (see budget format example and budget justification). Include source(s) of the required 20% match.
The roles and background of staff who will work on your proposed project.
Include a vita (two-page limit) for the project director that includes name, title, business address, telephone number, and email address. Include biographical paragraphs for other staff.
Authorized Financial Representative
- Name:
- Title:
- Business Address:
- Telephone Number:
- Email Address:
Supporting Documentation
- Examples: letter of support, workshop agendas, advertisements, participant application forms, etc.