On May 31st and June 1st at Denver Pop Culture Con, Teaching with Primary Sources Western Region presented two interesting topics on using historical comics in the classroom.
The first presentation, What the Yellow Kid and early comics can tell us about fake news, examines two news publications in New York at the turn of the 19th century and the height of Yellow Journalism.
The second presentation, Teaching in the Gutter: Integrating Comics and Primary Sources, contains some useful resources on historical comics and activities to use in the classroom. Teaching in the gutter means findings spots to add in primary sources to help fill in historical contextual information to help build student’s understanding and knowledge of the time period under study.
The Back Story:
Joseph Pulitzer owned and published New York’s largest and most widely read newspaper, the New York World, from 1883-1911. Deciding to enter the Eastern US market, William Randolph Heart acquired the New York Journal and began in a circulation war with Pulizter’s paper.The big type war of the yellow kids: https://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/95508199/
Yellow Journalism:
Yellow Journalism is essentially what we call fake news today. It is sensationalist, misleading, and often out-right false news published for a particularly bias purpose, typically for the sake of selling newspapers, though often with a political agenda as well. It can be easily compared to clickbait, photoshopped images, and in-your-face narratives that lend itself to one side over the other.The yellow press / L.M. Glackens.
Historical Context – Sinking of USS Maine – Spanish American War

Extra Teaching Activities Using Comics:
- Zoom in with the Yellow Kid
- Pop Culture Classroom’s Colorful History
- Japanese Incarceration Comic
- Buffalo Bill Comic
- Chief Ouray – Ute Peacemaker Comic
Comics at the Library of Congress:
- Chronicling America
- New York Journal
- Puck Collection
- Webcomics Archive
- Cartoon Drawings
- Swann Collection of Caricature and Cartoon
- Beyond Words
- Colorado Encyclopedia
The Yellow Kid at the Library of Congress:
- [The Yellow Kid, he meets Tige and Mary Jane and]
- The Yellow Dugan Kid
- [McFadden’s Row of flats inauguration of the football season in McFadden’s Row] / R.F. Outcault.
- The Sunday World Oct. 18
- Before Bang! Pow! Zap!
- Image 8 of New York journal (New York [N.Y.]), January 3, 1897, (American Humorist)
- New York journal and advertiser (New York [N.Y.]), November 21, 1897
- New York journal (New York [N.Y.]), November 1, 1896
- Image 43 of New York journal (New York [N.Y.]), November 1, 1896, (AMERICAN HUMORIST)
- Image 45 of New York journal (New York [N.Y.]), November 1, 1896, (AMERICAN HUMORIST)
- Image 4 of New York journal and advertiser (New York [N.Y.]), October 31, 1897, (AMERICAN HUMORIST)
- Image 8 of New York journal and advertiser (New York [N.Y.]), April 4, 1897, (AMERICAN HVMERIST)
- Image 4 of New York journal and advertiser (New York [N.Y.]), April 4, 1897, (AMERICAN HVMERIST)
- Honor to McKinley! / Keppler.
- The Lucrezia Borgia of journalism
- The yellow press / L.M. Glackens.
- The fin de siècle newspaper proprietor / F. Opper.