Teaching Unit – “Au Maroc – Observer, analyser, approfondir” : Guiding students of French towards cross-cultural competence

This Learning Module will serve 1) as an introduction to developing skills needed for cultural competency for students of French 2) as an informational unit on the cultural richness of Morocco designed for French language students and 3) as a springboard for student analysis of the cultural value of hospitality in Morocco


After completing this unit, students will know:

  • That cross-cultural competence is important for communication with divers French-speaking populations;
  • That cross-cultural competence can be developed by learning and applying a variety concepts inspired by research in anthropology, semiotics and methods of foreign language teaching;
  • Basic information about the geography, history and populations of Morocco; including the the post-colonial role of the French language in Morocco;
  • One way to approach learning about the cultures of countries where French is spoken.
  • The roles of hospitality in Moroccan culture;


After completing this unit, students will be able to use their learning to:

  • Explain the significance of cultural products and practices and how knowledge of these can help students to understand cultural perspectives;
  • Analyze the cultural significance of elements found in images of Morocco;
  • Distinguish between products found Moroccan culture that represent Moroccan culture and those that are available to tourists but do not necessarily represent Moroccan culture;
  • Identify products found in Morocco that represent hospitality;
  • Compare and contrast products and practices of hospitality in the home culture and in the Moroccan culture;

Prerequisite: Students must be able to read and understand spoken French at the Advanced Low level and speak and write French at the Intermediate High level to benefit the most from this unit. Students must be able to read academic articles in both English and French.

Course format:  This module can be done most easily in a course that meets 2 times per week for 1 hour and 15 minutes each time.  Homework and readings will require that students spend several hours preparing for each class period.  Discussion and formative assessment activities in class will assume that students have read and understood the materials in English and in French.