Day 2 Activities, materials and guidelines

Activity 2.1  Will reinforce student understanding of Dr. Raymonde Carroll’s conception cultural analysis, emphasizing the steps (see pp 15 – 30 of Les Evidences Invisibles). This will be done through discussion of the questions prepared for class today.

Activity 2.2  Students generate a list of cultural products and practices that would be interesting to explore in their own cultures or cultures with which they are familiar. Pour nous inspirer:  Raymonde Carroll, Les Evidences invisibles, Table des matières

Activity 2.3 PPT will show students different ways of visualizing culture (spiderweb, iceberg, onion) and to give them an opportunity to develop (with a partner) a simple visual representation of some aspects of their home culture (see Teacher Prep 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3); Modèles pour concevoir la culture et la relation entre les éléments dont une culture est composée: Modèles pour concevoir la culture


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Activity 2.4  Examples of cultural products and practices that point towards underlying cultural values (perspectives). Students compare the two houses with their lawns and hedges hedges. Short instructor lecture on Raymond Carroll’s chapter on La Maison, from Les Evidences invisibles to show reinforcement of the different sense of privacy often implicit in the structure of a French home and in behaviors in the French home (as compared to US).

Activity 2.5  Using a shortened, teacher-centered version of  this activity published on the website of the National Capitol Language Resource Center  (2010), the instructor can introduce students to the practice of analyzing a complex scene (photo or Google Earth) – “milking” it for all of the possible cultural information (about cultural products, practices and perspectives) that it contains.  This is an exploration, and although there may be some “incorrect answers”  or “erroneous interpretations”  there can be several “right”ones. The take-away message is if students don’t SEE pertinent cultural phenomena, they can’t analyze them.   If they don’t have a cultural context in which to place an artifact or practice they may misinterpret it. Instructor preparation recommended, prepping the activity as it is presented for students.  If instructors have a different photo, all the better!  Sample “observe and analyze” activity (France)

Activity 2.6  Instructor to introduce Morocco – where it is, it’s status as a monarchy, as an Islamic country and other information selected by the instructor. (Teacher Prep 2.4) + Map. Le Maroc

Activity 2.7 To briefly introduce the French-language status in Morocco today (see Teacher Prep, 2.5).  Use PPT to illustrate.Langues du Maroc

Homework: For the following class period students are asked to present independent research (in French)  on a variety of aspects of culture. Use the pre-assessment results as a starting point.  Assign a topic to two or more students who will prepare and present as a group.  Suggested topics:  details of geography, details of climate and nature,  Islam as practiced in Morocco, other religions in Morocco, the system(s) of education, dress codes and practices, the monarchy, February 20 Movement, holidays and significant ceremonies, food and drink, the use of Darija, MSA and French in schools, the 2004 Family Code (Moudawana), examples of folktales, the 2011 constitution and the place of Amazigh language and culture in Morocco, etc.  This is not to be an in-depth research project.  It is to give the class a 5-7 minute snapshot of the culture (with visuals). At this point, the instructor needs to emphasize appropriate internet research practices.

For general information,  suggested site:  Présentation générale du Maroc

For more in-depth research on a specific topic, sample site : (The 2011 Constitution).  Have students see the short section :  Maroc, Constitution du 1er juillet 2011, Titre II – Libertés et droits fondamentaux