Day 3 Activities, materials and guidelines

Activity 3.1 In pairs or small groups students present 5-7 minute reports, in French, on independent research concerning concrete aspects of Moroccan culture.  Students should be encouraged to take notes. Note sheet: LES EXPOSES DE VOS COLLEGUES

Activity 3.2 Students look at slides and practice careful observation of photos from Morocco.  They will  be asked to attempt to associate products, practices and perspectives. The instructor begins with some commentary (suggestions are on slides preceding each ‘theme’ ) and little by little, as similar images resurface the instructor backs off and prompts students to interpret.  Photos à analyser – classées par theme

Instructor should point out how photos are rich sources of information and also that images and themes and products, practices and perspectives are intertwined and lend themselves to several “Peut-être que c’est…” moments. This activity can be done orally (with students shouting out responses) or with an advance organizer. In my experience, with a little practice, students get very good at popping out hypotheses quickly, and while I don’t promote wild guessing, I do want them to take some risks.Scènes de rue scènes de vie

Homework:  Two readings (one short one long to split in two ) are handed out to all students. They will be presented by three groups as a jigsaw (each group reads one of the articles [sections] at home, will discuss it for 5 minutes as a group in class to generate a list of main ideas and important vocabulary and then the groups present the article [section] that they have read to the groups that haven’t read it). (Materials 3.3) Hospitalité- lectures pour étudiants (jigsaw)