Day 4 Activities, materials and guidelines

ACTIVITY 4.1 Students meet in the groups with others who have read the same article (or section of the longer article) to discuss the article and to generate a list of key vocabulary for their colleagues to underline in the article (with explanations).  They should also supply a few sentences with key information for their colleagues (who have not read the article or section) to copy.

Activity 4.2 Instructor lecture on hospitality, hospitality as an important underlying value in Morocco and the hospitality industry as an economic necessity. Instructors lecture based on their own background and / or on suggested readings  . (Teacher Prep. 4.1, 4.2, 4.3)

Activity 4.3 Students are asked to distinguish between different kinds of hospitality. (personal / hospitality and  economic / commercial) and hypothesize about the cultural value of hospitality in the US vs. in Morocco.

Activity 4.4 Instructor and students read and contrast the story told in Joseph Lumbard “Some Reflections on Hospitality in Islam” Hosting the Stranger (see References) Excerpt Some Reflections on Hospitality in Islam, Joseph Lumbard and the story of the Water-carriers  Les Porteurs d’eau (also in Journal de rencontres.) This  will help students prepare for readings to be done for the take-home short essay part of the exam.

Homework :  Readings and reaction – Take-home short essay.  (henna x 2) .