Welcome & Start Here

This page will recommend a course of action as you begin your online teaching journey with MSU Denver Dept of Social Work!

  1. Connect with your lead instructor of the course you are teaching and get the syllabus, schedule, and teaching materials.
  2. Get access to Canvas and explore their online training.
  3. Complete the required Online 101 and Canvas training required to teach online in the Department of Social Work.
  4. Connect with our Social Work Online & Hybrid Development Analyst, Becky Cottrell,  to get support or ask any and all questions related to online/hybrid learning and teaching.
  5. Visit or call MSU IT services about passwords, computers, or anything IT.
  6. Connect with the Social Work Online Coordinator, Ann Obermann
  7. Sign up for a MSU Denver Department of Social Work Online Instructor Training.
  8. Explore the MSU Denver Department of Social Work Online Instructor website for readings and training.
    1. View: Interested in Teaching Online?: 
  9. Get access to your Canvas course, explore, get excited, make it your own, and ask your lead faculty clarifying questions.
  10. Complete the online instructor checklist to make sure your course is ready to go.
  11. Start visioning about what you want your course experience to be like and how to make it happen.
  12. Make a plan for your online instructor presence and communication and publish clearly to students!

Extra Resources: Below are a couple of resources for those who want to read RIGHT NOW or want extra information. These are not required but are a good source of exploring if online teaching is for you!

Interested in Teaching Online?: This resource provides a introduction to teaching online. It is a great place to start to see if teaching online is a match for you. It progresses past the introduction to give concrete online instructor skills which can be accessed at anytime. In addition to asynchronous content, this site provides links to talk with other online instructors and create community. These materials are open educational resources (OER) which means that anyone can use them. The OER movement is something that MSU Denver is supporting as it allows for multiple voices creating knowledge, student input, cheaper or free text books and much more.