HyFlex Tips for When You Have Students on Zoom and In-Person

As you navigate a flexible learning space this semester where students cannot attend class in-person for any reason, you might choose to have most students attend in person and provide a virtual or Zoom option for students who need to attend another way. Remember that our department provides access to mobile tech carts that can support you if you aren’t teaching in a tech classroom. You can check out these carts from the welcome desk in CN 201.

As you teach, there are three basic concepts to keep in mind as you work in two modalities at once:

  1. Plan your Technology. This means allowing yourself a little extra time at the beginning of class to get set up, and to transition between activities during class. Communicate clearly with students about your expectations, and be transparent about any challenges. Replying to emails promptly during the week will also help alleviate any technology-related anxiety.
  2. Build Community. Work with students early in the semester to plan for your community norms this semester, so everyone has a chance to anticipate what class will look like if you have an online option. Consider how you’ll organize small group activities, and help students in both spaces connect with the class. One way to do this is to dedicate a set time where you are only focused on your online students, either during a class break, or at the end of class.
  3. Foster Engagement. Welcome online students by making eye contact with the camera, and assign an in-person student to help monitor the chat. Consider using tools like Poll Everywhere or Kahoot that will engage students online and in-person. Be intentional about your lesson planning so you can anticipate how you’ll connect with all students.

This is just a brief overview of HyFlex options. For more details, please see the attached PowerPoint, or review this link to a recorded training about HyFlex teaching.
