
At MSU Denver, students and families will hear a lot about the importance of sense of belonging. Whereas some institutions focus on students “fitting in,” we aim for students to feel that they belong. In other words, we aim for students to believe that they are in the right place because of who they already are, not that they need to fit some sort of predetermined mold to be an MSU Denver student. Research shows that students who feel a sense of belonging on a college campus are more likely to continue their education and graduate! 

EAB (Education Technology, Services, and Research) has broken down student belonging into five specific components that support students in creating a high sense of belonging on a college campus. Understanding these components outlined by EAB can guide you as family members and supports to provide support and encouragement.  

Seamless Student Experience 

  • Encourage open communication with your student about their experiences navigating campus life, including academic, social and administrative aspects. 
  • Offer guidance on accessing campus resources and services, such as academic advising, student engagement or student organization activities.  
  • If you or your student are lost and don’t know where to start, ask for help.  

Mental Health and Wellbeing 

  • Prioritize conversations about mental health and encourage your students to seek support when needed. 
  • Provide a supportive environment where students feel comfortable to discuss their emotions and concerns. 
  • Familiarize yourself with the mental health resources on campus and encourage students to visit the Counseling Center for therapy appointments and/or workshops. 
  • Support your student in accessing Rowdy’s Corner – the food pantry available for all students. 

Active and Engaged Learning 

  • Support your student’s academic pursuits by showing interest in their coursework and academic goals. 
  • Dedicate a space at home for students to work on classwork and assignments. 
  • Encourage active learning strategies such as participating in class discussions, attending office hours, forming study groups, or attending tutoring.  
  • Offer Encouragement and praise for academic achievements, no matter how big or small. 

Cocurricular and Social Engagement 

  • Encourage your student to explore extracurricular activities and clubs that align with their interests and values. 
  • Emphasize the importance of building a support network and maintaining a healthy balance between academic, work, and social activities.  
  • Be understanding of students prioritizing building friends and social connections with peers. 

Faculty Mentoring and Support 

  • Encourage your students to develop relationships with faculty members who can serve as mentors and guides. 
  • Advocate for opportunities for your students to engage with faculty outside of the classroom. Ex) Office hours or research projects 
  • Support your student’s academic and professional aspirations by celebrating their achievements and offering guidance when needed. 

By actively supporting your college students in these areas, we can work together in helping them develop a strong sense of belonging on campus. In the next section, we’ll explore some of the best ways for students to build their sense of belonging through campus involvement.  

Knowledge Check

Test your understanding of the material on this page with the questions below. Consider your answer to each multiple choice question, then click “Check Your Answer” under each question to learn whether you were right!

  1. What is the difference between ‘fitting in’ and ‘belonging’ at MSU Denver?
    • ‘Fitting in’ means students need to adapt to a predetermined mold, while ‘belonging’ means students feel they are in the right place because of who they already are.
    • ‘Fitting in’ means students feel they are in the right place because of who they already are, while ‘belonging’ means students need to adapt to a predetermined mold. 
    • ‘Fitting in’ and ‘belonging’ both mean students need to adapt to a predetermined mold. 
    • ‘Fitting in’ and ‘belonging’ both mean students feel they are in the right place because of who they already are. 
  2. Check your answer

    ‘Fitting in’ means students need to adapt to a predetermined mold, while ‘belonging’ means students feel they are in the right place because of who they already are.

  3. What is a key aspect of ‘Cocurricular and Social Engagement’?
    • Discouraging students from exploring extracurricular activities 
    • Encouraging students to focus solely on academic activities
    • Encouraging students to explore extracurricular activities and clubs that align with their interests and values 
    • Discouraging students from building a support network 
  4. Check your answer

    Encouraging students to explore extracurricular activities and clubs that align with their interests and values 

  5. How can family members support ‘Faculty Mentoring and Support’?
    • Discourage students from developing relationships with faculty members 
    • Encourage students to avoid engaging with faculty outside of the classroom 
    • Discourage students from celebrating their achievements 
    • Advocate for opportunities for students to engage with faculty outside of the classroom, such as office hours or research projects 
  6. Check your answer

    Advocate for opportunities for students to engage with faculty outside of the classroom, such as office hours or research projects