Thirsty for Strong Instructional Practice? “Equity” is a word that seems to be tossed around a lot in higher education these days. But what does it mean? And how can we promote equity in the classroom or in our student services interactions? MSU Denver prides itself on being very diverse—doesn’t that mean we already practice …
September 2015 archive
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Sep 16 2015
SIP 2.5 Classroom Discussions
Thirsty for Strong Instructional Practice? Discussions can be an excellent strategy for enhancing student motivation, fostering intellectual agility, and encouraging democratic habits. They create opportunities for students to practice and sharpen a number of skills, including the ability to articulate and defend positions, consider different points of view, and enlist and evaluate evidence. While discussions …
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Sep 10 2015
SIP 2.4 First-Year Students
Thirsty for Strong Instructional Practice? As professors, faculty, and administrators, most of us are familiar with the challenge of engaging first year students in academic work and social life on campus. However, it is important to take note of the special attention that must be given to first-year students during this critical time of transition. …
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Sep 04 2015
SIP 2.3 Class Discussions
Thirsty for Strong Instructional Practice? Class discussions in which every student participates are a dream for faculty—and sometimes merely a fantasy. We may assume that students who are quiet during discussions are unprepared or disengaged, but another very likely explanation is that they are simply introverted. Many studies put the percentage of introverts in the …
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