Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? As we go into our first full semester with synchronous (online and live) and asynchronous (online but not live) instruction, many of us are struggling to figure out our expectations and equitable assessment methods for students who attend synchronous (online and live) classes with us. We are also struggling …
Tag: accessibility
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Apr 12 2018
SIP 7.12 The Difference Between “Methodological Variety” and “Universal Design for Learning”
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Two professors were overheard chatting about their classes: Professor A: This semester I am really doing a lot in my classes! Over the course of the semester, all of my students do paired work, group presentations, individual projects, and other fun activities in and out of class. Professor B: Cool! This semester, I am using …
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Mar 30 2018
SIP 7.10 Proactive Accessibility
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? How do you feel at the beginning of the semester when you know students are going to give you letters asking for accommodations (accessibility letters)? Do you think about what you will have to change on a day-by-day basis or the extra work you will have to do to …
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Nov 10 2017
SIP 6.6 Creating Accessible PowerPoint Presentations
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Whether we are presenting at a conference, reporting to colleagues, pitching a proposal, or teaching classes, we want our PowerPoint presentations to be accessible to everyone. How do we do that? Here’s how… Take a SIP of This: Creating Accessible PowerPoint Presentations What to do Why it is …
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Nov 30 2016
SIP 4.14 Ensuring Online Accessibility: Three Best Practices
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? As creators of instructional content and designers of meaningful online learning experiences, establishing a consistent process for ensuring accessibility isn’t easy. At some point, we all encounter moments when we sacrifice universal accessibility for the sake of just getting things done. Beyond saving time, as humans, we’re also just …
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Sep 01 2016
SIP 4.2 Class Notetaker Redux
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? A while back, the SIPsquad took a stab at offering some thoughts on strong notetaking practices for your class. You can guzzle up this SIP (and all others) at The Well, and, for your convenience, you can read it below: This SIP was very well received—but the SIPsquad has …
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Aug 25 2015
SIP 2.2 Accessible Documents
Thirsty for Strong Instructional Practice? The growth in online enrollments is now outpacing the growth of traditional enrollments. The 2013 Survey of Online Learning conducted by the Babson Survey Research Group reveals that the number of higher education students taking at least one online course has now surpassed 7.1 million ( With the advent of …
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Feb 26 2015
SIP 1.6: Closed-Captioned Videos for Everyone
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Instructors often wonder what the rules are around closed-captioning videos for pedagogical use. The truth is that any video you show in class needs to be ADA compliant to meet the letter of the law, but making videos ADA compliant by adding closed-captioning actually helps many more students than …
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Jan 29 2015
SIP 1.2: Screen Readers
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? We want students to read the material we assign, but sometimes they don’t. Take a SIP of this: Screen Readers One way to facilitate students’ reading is to encourage them to use VoiceOver technology, available on every computer and mobile device sold. Students can listen to the text while …
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