Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? As we go into our first full semester with synchronous (online and live) and asynchronous (online but not live) instruction, many of us are struggling to figure out our expectations and equitable assessment methods for students who attend synchronous (online and live) classes with us. We are also struggling …
Tag: equity
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Dec 08 2017
SIP 6.14 Hispanic Serving Institution Status: What it means for Us!
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? There has been a lot of buzz on campus this year about our achieving “HSI status.” In fact, everyone seems to be talking about it! But what exactly is “HSI,” and what does it mean for our students and our university? Take a SIP of This: Hispanic Serving Institution …
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Apr 27 2017
SIP 5.14 Multiple Englishes
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Many of our students are new to academia and its ways of speaking and writing. We who have been in it for years are enculturated and the speaking and writing conventions we follow may be invisible to us. But academic discourse may be mysterious and strange to our students. …
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Oct 13 2016
SIP 4.8 Challenging Students’ Mental Models: Dealing with “Expectancy Effect”
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Have you ever seen students worrying about your class before you even start teaching? Perhaps complaining about the difficulty of the content before they even know what is expected? Have you heard students being defeatist about their own ability level, or believing that that they already know all there …
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Sep 08 2016
SIP 4.3 Managing Narcissistic Students
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Do you ever find class becomes dominated by a few student voices? Have you struggled to figure out how to maintain those few students’ enthusiastic interest in the class while making space for others to speak up as well? Or there is the other version of student voice – …
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Mar 10 2016
SIP 3.8 Designing Classes to Accommodate Diverse Students’ Out-of-Class Obligations
Thirsty for Strong Instructional Practice? Our students have very complex and complicated lives that pull them in many directions between school, work, and family obligations. We want to respect our students’ lives, however we also want them to do college work and participate in class. How do we balance these competing needs? Take a SIP …
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Sep 24 2015
SIP 2.6 Equity
Thirsty for Strong Instructional Practice? “Equity” is a word that seems to be tossed around a lot in higher education these days. But what does it mean? And how can we promote equity in the classroom or in our student services interactions? MSU Denver prides itself on being very diverse—doesn’t that mean we already practice …
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Sep 10 2015
SIP 2.4 First-Year Students
Thirsty for Strong Instructional Practice? As professors, faculty, and administrators, most of us are familiar with the challenge of engaging first year students in academic work and social life on campus. However, it is important to take note of the special attention that must be given to first-year students during this critical time of transition. …
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Mar 12 2015
SIP 1.8: Inclusive Class Discussions
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Exchanging information, ideas and opinions in open and provocative discussion lies at the heart of inclusive and collaborative learning. A good discussion can be an unmatched learning experience as students articulate their ideas and develop skills in evaluating the evidence of their own and others’ positions. Given such, it …
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