Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Many of us earned our degrees B.G. (Before Google), when computers served the function of word processors rather than a gateway to infinite amounts of information. Now technology and the internet have opened up new and different ways to teach, including online education. Higher education and K -12 settings are both seeing a sharp increase in the adoption of online courses. According to …
Tag: technology
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Nov 30 2016
SIP 4.14 Ensuring Online Accessibility: Three Best Practices
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? As creators of instructional content and designers of meaningful online learning experiences, establishing a consistent process for ensuring accessibility isn’t easy. At some point, we all encounter moments when we sacrifice universal accessibility for the sake of just getting things done. Beyond saving time, as humans, we’re also just …
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Aug 25 2015
SIP 2.2 Accessible Documents
Thirsty for Strong Instructional Practice? The growth in online enrollments is now outpacing the growth of traditional enrollments. The 2013 Survey of Online Learning conducted by the Babson Survey Research Group reveals that the number of higher education students taking at least one online course has now surpassed 7.1 million ( With the advent of …
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Apr 02 2015
SIP 1.10: Polling to Expand Student Participation
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Getting a large group of students involved in class interaction can be a challenge. Some students participate willingly while others are more reluctant. Take a SIP of this: Polling to Expand Student Participation Interactive technologies can provide a platform that will encourage broader interaction. Through the web-based technologies listed below …
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Jan 29 2015
SIP 1.2: Screen Readers
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? We want students to read the material we assign, but sometimes they don’t. Take a SIP of this: Screen Readers One way to facilitate students’ reading is to encourage them to use VoiceOver technology, available on every computer and mobile device sold. Students can listen to the text while …
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Jan 22 2015
SIP 1.1: The Class Notetaker
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? We want students to take notes during class, but they often don’t know how to take effective notes. Take a SIP of this: The Class Notetaker One way to demonstrate the value of taking quality notes and to help students improve their note-taking skills is to build note-taking into …
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