Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? As much as we try to make our instruction student-centered, or to use Maryellen Weimer’s term, learner-centered, we tend to create our assignments and grading schemes free of student input. While this is a common practice, it can leave students feeling disempowered. Grading itself is already fraught with power …
Tag: summative assessment
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Mar 31 2016
SIP 3.10 Universally Designed “Value Rubric”
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? After reading SIP 3.9 on differentiated assignments, you have decided to let your students design their own final products for your class. But now you are wondering: how in the world are you going to fairly and efficiently grade final products that are all different? How will you ensure …
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Apr 16 2015
SIP 1.12: Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Given the tremendous diversity of students at MSU Denver, using only in-class, written tests to assess all students doesn’t allow us to truly measure what students have learned; instead, we sometimes end up simply testing their ability to take exams. Take a SIP of this: Universal Design for Learning …
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