Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? As more assessment takes place in the online environment these days, the advantages of multiple-choice questions become apparent. And while employing a variety of assessment formats is ideal, multiple-choice questions can be an effective and efficient way to assess student learning outcomes (SLOs). Multiple-choice questions have several potential advantages: …
Tag: Bloom’s taxonomy
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Mar 31 2016
SIP 3.10 Universally Designed “Value Rubric”
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? After reading SIP 3.9 on differentiated assignments, you have decided to let your students design their own final products for your class. But now you are wondering: how in the world are you going to fairly and efficiently grade final products that are all different? How will you ensure …
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Jan 28 2016
SIP 3.2 Assignment Menus
Thirsty for Strong Instructional Practice? Do you notice the energy and motivation your students bring to class discussions and activities wane when it’s time for them to write an assignment? Do you get bored reading the same thing from student to student and even semester to semester? Using an assignment menu can reinvigorate both you …
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