Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Fresh off of Spring Break, you’d think everyone on campus would be well-rested and energized, but the dark circles under many eyes indicates that a lot of us didn’t find our breaks rejuvenating. Did you spend your break catching up on grading, responding to month-old emails and trying …
Tag: grading
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Mar 16 2018
SIP 7.9 Specifications Grading
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? It is 9pm on a Sunday night. You spent much of yesterday and most of today grading and you still aren’t done. You try to provide such thoughtful feedback to your students, but you can’t be sure that they read it. You …
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Feb 16 2017
SIP 5.5 Grading Contracts
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? As much as we try to make our instruction student-centered, or to use Maryellen Weimer’s term, learner-centered, we tend to create our assignments and grading schemes free of student input. While this is a common practice, it can leave students feeling disempowered. Grading itself is already fraught with power …
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Mar 31 2016
SIP 3.10 Universally Designed “Value Rubric”
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? After reading SIP 3.9 on differentiated assignments, you have decided to let your students design their own final products for your class. But now you are wondering: how in the world are you going to fairly and efficiently grade final products that are all different? How will you ensure …
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Apr 23 2015
SIP 1.13: Written Feedback to Students
April 23, 2015
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Giving students feedback on their writing is one of the most important ways that we can individualize instruction. It can be easy to lose sight of this, however, when we are confronted with a stack of student papers and feel pressure to focus our comments on justifying a grade. …
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