Student Loan Guide

To be considered for a student loan, you must first apply for financial aid! In Colorado, there are two options for applying for financial aid, each with their own set of criteria. Read more below to determine which is the best fit for you.

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Provided by the Department of Education, this free application is the way you can access federal loans, grants, and work study funding opportunities. These funds can be used to cover expenses as tuition and fees, housing and food, books and supplies, and transportation.

It’s important to remember that you’ll need to fill out the FAFSA in advance of each school year. The application for the next school year is available October 1st. In order to fill out the FAFSA, you will need to collect information about your finances and taxes, and possibly your parents. For more information on what to gather and how to submit the application, visit the FAFSA Guide.

Colorado Application for State Financial Aid

The Colorado Application for State Financial Aid (CASFA) is the State Financial Aid application for undocumented, Colorado ASSET students. The CASFA bridges equity gaps and creates access to postsecondary education for Colorado ASSET students.

What is an ASSET student?

The law requires an institution to classify a student as ASSET for tuition purposes if the student:

  • Graduated from a Colorado high school or was physically present in Colorado for at least one year immediately preceding the date the student successfully completed a high school equivalency examination in Colorado; and
  • Has been physically present in Colorado for at least 12 consecutive months prior to enrolling in an institution.
  • There is no longer a requirement for the student to be admitted to college within 12 months of graduation.
  • Students who do not have lawful immigration status and who do not meet the ASSET qualifications are still encouraged to apply for institutional aid using the CASFA. 
  • Students who are eligible for Federal Title IV aid by completing the FAFSA should not complete the CASFA.

Read the CASFA Guide to learn how to complete the application.