As a student with many obligations, it may feel like you do not have enough time to accomplish everything. While time is a finite resource, there are ways to plan for and balance your time to ensure that you have enough for work, school, family, friends, and other priorities. Below are some areas that will help you learn how both balance your time commitments and stay on track for graduation.
Academic Calendar
One of the first things to understand is how time works at MSU Denver including when classes are offered and important dates.
The classes you take determine your journey at MSU Denver. Learn important dates to keep in mind for registration.
Though it may seem far away, there are some important steps to take well before you expect to graduate. This page also has information about how the number of credits you take impact your time to graduate.
Your advisors are here to help you succeed. They can help you choose a major, navigate your classes, balance work and school, and many other things. The most successful students meet with their advisors frequently.
Do you know the university estimates that for every 3 credit course, you should be spending 6-9 hours working on assignments and studying outside of class? How do you budget for that much time? What tips and techniques can make you more effective?
Working while pursuing an education can be both rewarding and stressful. This section will offer help in both locating a job and maintaining a balance between work and school.