Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? It seems like everyone is playing some sort of game these days—we collect points at the supermarket to use for discounts, we use our credit card more so we can earn early boarding or free drinks on the plane. Other, more “traditional” games have apparently invaded the virtual world—young …
Category: SIP Post
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Feb 22 2019
SIP 9.4 Normalizing Gender Diversity in the Classroom
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Gender diversity refers to making space for all people’s expressions of identity. At this point in the semester, students and instructors are cultivating positive learning-working relationships. An integral process of this relationship-building is affirming our individual and collective identities. Literally: I acknowledge you. Everyone likes to be called by …
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Feb 22 2019
SIP 9.3 Hip Hop Pedagogy
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Academic culture has historically been shaped by white values. At an institution like MSU Denver, an urban HSI that attracts a diverse and heavily non-traditional population, finding ways to help students connect with and feel validated by academic culture can be challenging. However, as the U.S. population shifts away …
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Feb 22 2019
SIP 9.2 Engaging Students by Developing Agency
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? One of the familiar challenges university faculty confront is the feeling that students are not really connecting to what is being taught. Most of us have studied for years in a discipline we personally find fascinating, so it is discouraging to confront a room full of disengaged students. …
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Feb 22 2019
SIP 9.1 Reasons and Strategies for Pronouncing Students’ Names Correctly
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? At a diverse university like MSU Denver, there is a good chance there will be several names on your class rosters which you will not recognize and likely struggle to pronounce. Taking the time to learn to pronounce your students’ (and coworkers’) names correctly is an effort that is …
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Feb 22 2019
SIP 8.14 Graphic Syllabus
Thirsty for Strong Instructional Practice? Traditionally syllabi have been brief outlines that listed the scope and sequence of course topics, readings and assignments. Today however, the syllabus has become a quasi-legal contract between a course instructor and the students exacting in grueling detail the rules, regulations, and expectations for class – from policies on laptop …
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Feb 22 2019
SIP 8.9 Equity Pedagogy in STEM
EQUITY PEDAGOGY IN STEM Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Some people like to think about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) as value-free and unaffected by bias. That is such a wonderful idea and maybe one day we will get there, but for now STEM fields do not match the changing state and local …
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Feb 22 2019
SIP 8.8 Fostering Success among Students Involved with the Criminal Justice System
Fostering Success among Students Involved with the Criminal Justice System Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Education is the underpinning of an enlightened, democratic society. An effective criminal justice system is equally important in terms of maintaining a safe and equitable society. In a democratic society, people who have been incarcerated or who are …
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Feb 22 2019
SIP 8.7 How to Eliminate Test Confusion
How to Eliminate Test Confusion Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Contrary to popular student belief, exams are not the means by which professors torture their students or determine how much they can memorize and regurgitate within a 24 hour period. Exams are meant to reinforce course material, and depending on how the exam is …
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Feb 22 2019
8.15 Slow Teaching
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? At this point in the semester, things can be so frenzied that you feel like a chicken running around with its head cut off. Or maybe because you’re so tired, a chicken shuffling around with its head cut off. In any case, you might be wondering if there is …
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