Category: SIP Post

SIP 7.5 Normalizing Asking for Help

Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Have you ever sat alone in your office during office hours only to have your students tell you in class that they didn’t understand the reading or an assignment? Or perhaps you’ve urged a student to go to the Writing Center for help organizing a draft, only to watch that student …

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SIP 7.4 Productive Failure

Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? As educators, we know that college as not just about learning disciplinary content—it is also about the holistic growth that helps to form a mature, well-rounded person. Sometimes the achievement is measured by “successes”—persisting from semester to semester, earning a strong GPA, securing a coveted internship, etc. But sometimes the real lessons are found in a student’s failure.  It is our job …

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SIP 7.3 Leading Difficult Discussions in Class and Online

Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Difficult discussions are on the rise in the academy. As the political landscape in the United States becomes more intense and polarized and as the MSU Denver community feels the impact of legislation such as rescinding of the DACA program and the removal of workplace protections for transgender people, the focus of classroom discussions has gone beyond course content and into the need to discuss personal lived experience as it …

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SIP 7.2 Teaching Military Veterans

Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? They look like their peers. They sound like their peers. They act like their peers. Students who are military veterans often have different needs than their peers, however.   Faculty who understand and respect differences in military and civilian life can help faculty support those who have already given a lot of themselves to support us.  Take …

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SIP 7.1 Creating Productive Physical Space in the Classroom

Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? For students and instructors, a classroom’s physical environment impacts the success of a good class period. All your prep, all your innovation and careful planning can be ruined in a too cramped, too warm or too cold, institutionalized physical space. When physical bodies struggle to be comfortable, then minds …

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SIP 6.15 Helping Students Practice Self-Care

  Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Having a student nod off in class or show up to class with a large and very distracting fast food meal can seem disrespectful, but it’s entirely possible that both scenarios can be attributed to a lack of self-care skills. College students are notorious for being sleep deprived, …

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SIP 6.14 Hispanic Serving Institution Status: What it means for Us!

Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? There has been a lot of buzz on campus this year about our achieving “HSI status.” In fact, everyone seems to be talking about it! But what exactly is “HSI,” and what does it mean for our students and our university? Take a SIP of This: Hispanic Serving Institution …

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SIP 6.13 Helping Students Plan for Study Abroad

Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? The  American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) has identified study abroad as one of ten high-impact practices (HIPs) in teaching and learning that positively impact student success in college. Some, like first-year experience courses and learning communities, tend to happen toward the beginning of a student’s time in college, …

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SIP 6.12 More Motivation, Less Stress

Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? It’s week 12 of the semester and everyone is tired. Students feel mounting pressure from end-of-semester projects and exams. Students whose coursework requires time in schools or the community are pushing to finish those hours. End-of-semester school pressures can make it difficult for students to make shifts at their jobs. …

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SIP 6.11 Teaching Source Documentation

Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Many faculty mistakenly believe that by the time students get to college, they should know how to cite sources. Or, they may figure that since students in their classes have taken ENG 1020, they already know how to cite sources. Both of these assumptions are faulty and can lead to …

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