Category: SIP Post

SIP 5.5 Grading Contracts

Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? As much as we try to make our instruction student-centered, or to use Maryellen Weimer’s term, learner-centered, we tend to create our assignments and grading schemes free of student input. While this is a common practice, it can leave students feeling disempowered. Grading itself is already fraught with power …

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SIP 5.4 Guided Notes

Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Lecture is one of the most widely used methods of instruction in the higher education setting.  When lecture is the main mode of instruction, we often wonder just how much students are comprehending and retaining.  As mentioned in last week’s SIP 5.3 How to Teach Note-Taking Skills, it can …

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SIP 5.3 How to Teach Note-Taking Skills

Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? How often have you been in the middle of a dynamic lecture or lesson and looked out to see that only a fraction of the class is taking notes? We know that students who take good notes score better on exams, have better comprehension of material, and retain information …

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SIP 5.2 Supporting Undocumented Students

Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Sometimes the best instructional practices have nothing to do with content delivery or methodological design, but instead focus on creating a classroom environment in which students can feel safe enough to fully participate in the educational enterprise.   President Jordan has been a leader in supporting higher education for undocumented …

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SIP 5.1 Preparing Your Class for the Higher Learning Commission Accreditation Visit

Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Have you ever had that feeling that there is a buzz about something on campus– something that you don’t quite understand but realize is important–and you choose to turn the volume down and listen to the other, louder voices in your head?  Well, this is how the SIPsquad was …

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SIP 4.15 Is it me? Reflecting on our Teaching from a Student Perspective

Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? If you are like me, there are usually one or two topics in each class you teach about which students say things like   it’s too hard, it’s too easy, you’re not fair, etc. As the semester draws down, consider  looking inward and reflecting on how well your teaching has …

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SIP 4.14 Ensuring Online Accessibility: Three Best Practices

Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? As creators of instructional content and designers of meaningful online learning experiences, establishing a consistent process for ensuring accessibility isn’t easy. At some point, we all encounter moments when we sacrifice universal accessibility for the sake of just getting things done. Beyond saving time, as humans, we’re also just …

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SIP 4.13 Creating a Culture of Academic Integrity

Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Students know that cheating is wrong, but that doesn’t always translate into carefully documented sources in a research paper or turning down a friend’s help on a take-home exam. Surveys indicate that a majority of students have cheated during their time in college. What can faculty do to improve …

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SIP 4.12 Developing Learner Self-Awareness

Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Last week’s SIP explored the differences between being student-centered and learner-centered, with learner-centered classrooms being focused on what students do and what and how they learn. A key practice of learner-centered teaching is explicit attention to developing learner self-awareness, which is a component of meta-cognitive awareness. Meta-cognitive awareness has …

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SIP 4.11 Student-Centered vs. Learner-Centered Teaching

Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? For years now, faculty development circles have been tossing around the phrases “student-centered” and “learner-centered.”  We are all pretty clear on the fact that the “sage on the stage” has given way to the “guide on the side,” but how do we “faculty guides” center our practice appropriately?  Aren’t …

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