Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? We all learned so many things over the past 18 months related to responsiveness to students, our colleagues, ourselves and to our tech savviness. It is time to reflect and reuse some of what we learned. The Early Bird had a story titled “Educators reflect on a year of …
Category: SIP Post
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Aug 26 2021
SIP 14.1 Get Peer Suggestions about Teaching Practices and Strategies for Class Activities, Assignments and More
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Welcome to the fall semester! After almost 18 months of unprecedented teaching and learning, it is wonderful to be back on campus and moving to establish a new normal of academic excellence at Metropolitan State University of Denver. For the past 6½ years, the anonymous “SIPsquad” has been …
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May 06 2021
SIP 13.15 Moving Forward in Fall
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? As this unprecedented academic year comes to a close, it is time to start thinking ahead to fall classes. Covid-19 has certainly altered the way we all teach, but are those changes permanent? Will students’ classroom engagement, goals and behavior be irrevocably marred by a year of Zoom, or …
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Apr 29 2021
SIP 13.14 Make All Students Feel Welcome and Supported by Using Proper Pronouns
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Creating a welcoming and empowering learning environment is critical to supporting the success and well-being of transgender, nonbinary and other gender-diverse students. While some students may disclose these identities to you, others may not feel safe disclosing their gender identity. It’s best to assume that there are transgender and …
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Apr 22 2021
SIP 13.13 Long-term Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Students
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? I think we would all agree that this past COVID-19 pandemic year has been most unexpected and pervasively disruptive. Statistics from the Metropolitan State University of Denver Counseling Center from last June 1 to the present indicate that 32.2% of students who reached out for support cited Covid stress …
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Apr 15 2021
SIP 13.12 Use Video Clips to Enhance Learning
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? In a recent conversation on Teams, students were commiserating about the tough upcoming month, the last month of the semester. Several students shared that they were behind on reading or didn’t feel particularly confident about the last exam. Typical mid-semester blues. One student said, “I always fall asleep while …
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Apr 01 2021
SIP 13.10 Accessible Methods for Teaching Citation
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? We tend to think of writing as conveying verbal information – the words and their meaning are what is important. However, in much of the academic writing we ask students to do, formatting and citation in specific styles (MLA, APA, IEEE, etc.) is an integral part of the assignment. …
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Mar 18 2021
SIP 13.9 Student-to-Student Peer Assessment/Evaluation
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Do you ever feel like you spend all your time grading or have grading piling up no matter how hard you try? What if assessing what students know and do not know in a class is not just up to the instructor? What if students could be involved in …
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Mar 11 2021
SIP 13.8 Taking Care of Ourselves First
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? We’ve all heard this statement numerous times: “Put on your own oxygen mask first before assisting others.” But the question is: How do we as caring, nurturing people do this without feeling guilt, second thoughts and possibly remorse? It is in our nature as teachers to want to help …
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