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The SIP Squad is hosting a two-part series on trauma-informed, restorative approaches to building and sustaining conflict positivity in our classrooms and across campus. In Part 1 of the series, we invite you to consider how restorative practices generally would create a more equitable classroom and campus. In next week’s Part 2 of the series, …
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Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Students come to college for many reasons, including learning more about the world, becoming better people or improving their self-confidence. But they also have reasons related to economic mobility such as bettering employment opportunities, making more money or getting a good job (Lumina Foundation). Faculty members are experts in …
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Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Faculty members are the frontline workers looking out for Metropolitan State University of Denver students every day. When our students face challenges, faculty members are often there to support them and provide or connect them to resources that can help them navigate their situation and stay on track with …
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Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Reading is so last year. Or maybe so five years ago. One of the most frequent complaints that the SIPsquad hears is that students don’t complete their reading for class anymore. And frankly, we struggle with reading these days as well. Is it laziness or lack of interest in the material? …
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Find Seven Years of Strong Instructional Practice Articles Loaded with Teaching Tips and Strategies Each week, the Early Bird invites readers to take a “SIP” of a Strong Instructional Practice. The SIP topics are inspired by issues and challenges faced by faculty members here at Metropolitan State University of Denver and open the door for participation …
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Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Spring is beginning with students and faculty members alike feeling frazzled and distracted. We are trying to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but after two years of the pandemic, the Marshall fire, the December mass shooting in Denver and upheavals in housing, employment and health for many folks, we are …
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Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? The end of the fall semester at Metropolitan State University of Denver – which to many was another challenging, stressful, sometimes-chaotic one – it is a great time to remember the critical need to prioritize self-care and wellness. The importance of unwinding to give yourself time for a healthy, …
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Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Let’s be honest about writing. In the professional world, writing timed essays isn’t common. And yet, in most academic disciplines, students are expected to produce quality writing, often research-informed, under the constraints of our prompts and deadlines while managing other end-of-semester projects and exams as well as off-campus life …
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As Metropolitan State University of Denver moves back toward some version of “normal,” faculty members are asking: How can we do effective and efficient professional development while bearing the post-pandemic burden? The answer: The struggle is real! Faculty and staff members have all experienced the emotional and physical stress of teaching, service and scholarship during …
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Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Gender equity is a foundational element of a high-functioning society. As we know, this long-held goal has yet to be reached in the United States and around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic set back progress toward this goal. Many of us have been or know someone affected by gender …
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