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Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Feedback is a powerful tool for student learning. Feedback completes the learning cycle where we teach, access, explain the results of assessment and then reteach or move on and access again. Yorke (author of a chapter in Failing Students in Higher Education) emphasizes that “Feedback can improve a student’s …
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Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? A traumatic experience is any event in life that causes a threat to our safety and well-being. More than two-thirds of the population report experiencing at least one Adverse Childhood Experience. ACEs are common among all populations, and nearly a quarter of people have experienced three or more in their …
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Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? As more assessment takes place in the online environment these days, the advantages of multiple-choice questions become apparent. And while employing a variety of assessment formats is ideal, multiple-choice questions can be an effective and efficient way to assess student learning outcomes (SLOs). Multiple-choice questions have several potential advantages: …
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Students and faculty alike are tired from the daily value prioritizing and moral negotiations required for pandemic life. From the simplest decisions to the most complex, our values and priorities are being questioned and tested; it can even feel like these decisions define our worth or standing within our communities. Decisions that normally didn’t take …
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Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Higher education has traditionally recognized community-building as a method of underpinning a successful classroom experience for students and faculty. Never has this been more important – we are (hopefully) heading into the final mandated virtual semester of the pandemic, but everyone is tired and isolated, and students are struggling …
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Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? As we start another semester, many of us are sharing stories about lagging engagement in synchronous and asynchronous online classes. There are many news stories about Zoom fatigue, and we all feel it too. These same students, and we ourselves, do seem to be engaged online in other ways …
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Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Helping students identify and develop meaningful professional directions can be one of the most rewarding and sometimes-daunting aspects of teaching. While students can receive support by working with Metropolitan State University of Denver’s Classroom to Career Hub, faculty members can also create academic experiences to promote career development. One way faculty members can contribute to …
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Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Our names are important. Think about those times you have been called by name: at birth, being comforted as a child, during school attendance, being cheered on for sports, during rites of passage or religious ceremonies, being given an award or graduating, by a loved one, being called home, …
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Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Are you frustrated with expensive textbooks for your course that change editions frequently? Do you wish you could more easily customize the resources for your course? Are you are looking for case studies, interactive simulations or other materials to promote active learning? Have you noticed it is 13 weeks …
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Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? After a couple of exhausting weeks of grading midterm exams, and with the final weeks of the semester looming large, faculty members may be wondering (aloud or not), “How am I going to get through to the end?” A corollary to this plaintive cry is, “How are my students …
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