Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Two professors were overheard chatting about their classes: Professor A: This semester I am really doing a lot in my classes! Over the course of the semester, all of my students do paired work, group presentations, individual projects, and other fun activities in and out of class. Professor B: Cool! This semester, I am using …
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Mar 30 2018
SIP 7.10 Proactive Accessibility
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? How do you feel at the beginning of the semester when you know students are going to give you letters asking for accommodations (accessibility letters)? Do you think about what you will have to change on a day-by-day basis or the extra work you will have to do to …
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Nov 20 2017
SIP 6.10 Universal Design for Learning in STEM
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? While many of us who work and teach in the STEM fields think of our disciplines as “neutral” and empirical, there are lots of ways our teaching strategies can either increase or decrease access to the content. Traditional “weed-out” methods of STEM teaching are designed to push struggling students out …
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Oct 19 2017
SIP 6.4 Email Etiquette
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Have you ever gotten an email that made you feel like this: Graphic: This is an image of an email written like a text to an instructor for a course. It has many typos and acronyms in it. There are also word bubble responses showing frustration with emails written …
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Apr 28 2016
SIP 3.14 Office Hours
Thirsty for Strong Instructional Practice? Providing individualized attention to students in “real time” (synchronously) is an important aspect of university teaching, and meeting with students face to face (F2F) is a time-honored and institutionalized way of making this happen. Yet, traditional “office hours,” in which a professor announces times in which students may drop in …
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Apr 07 2016
SIP 3.11 “Centers” in University Classrooms
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Supplementary instructional materials such as websites or YouTube videos can enhance student engagement and enrich course material, but are also difficult to integrate into a course without overburdening students or taking up too much time in class. Assigning these materials together as a whole group might actually diminish interaction …
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Mar 31 2016
SIP 3.10 Universally Designed “Value Rubric”
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? After reading SIP 3.9 on differentiated assignments, you have decided to let your students design their own final products for your class. But now you are wondering: how in the world are you going to fairly and efficiently grade final products that are all different? How will you ensure …
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Mar 17 2016
SIP 3.9 Differentiated Assignments
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? With only a few weeks until the end of the semester, students are now (hopefully!) starting work on their final papers or projects. Have you ever shuddered with negative anticipation just thinking about receiving another set of what seems like the same work you saw last semester and the …
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Nov 12 2015
SIP 2.13 Tips for Successfully Engaging with First-Year Students
Thirsty for Strong Instructional Practice? While it may seem like freshmen students only land in First Year Success courses, the truth is that they are scattered throughout all disciplines and course levels. What does the population of freshmen look like at MSU Denver this fall? 50% are white, 50% are of other races/ethnicities. The average …
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