Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Recently, the SIPsquad has been feeling like we’re in “crisis mode,” and we know others feel the same. Faculty, staff and students seem stressed out in general and anxious about the future. Pressures at work, increased urgency around deadlines and the fielding of multiple requests from superiors are creating …
Tag: syllabus
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May 02 2019
SIP 9.14 Including the Student Voice in Pedagogical Decisions
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? We are all here to help students learn, but have you ever thought to ask students how they learn best? When we work to include the student voice in pedagogical decisions, it is a win-win; they know we care about their learning, and they help make the class better …
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Feb 11 2016
SIP 3.4 Integrated Attendance and Participation Policies
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Since time immemorial, instructors have battled to get students to come to class and participate. Responses to the attendance conundrum have ranged from positive reinforcement (assigning points for coming and/or participating) to the punitive (taking away points for missing). How can we best encourage fruitful attendance and participation in …
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Nov 19 2015
SIP 2.14 Backward Design
Thirsty for Strong Instructional Practice? Backward Design (Wiggins & McTighe) provides a framework for course and lesson design that in which instructors begin by identifying course objectives and then determine acceptable evidence to determine whether students have met those objectives and only then plans instruction that will support students in meeting the desired objectives. Take …
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