Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Gender equity is a foundational element of a high-functioning society. As we know, this long-held goal has yet to be reached in the United States and around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic set back progress toward this goal. Many of us have been or know someone affected by gender …
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Sep 02 2021
SIP 14.2 Carryovers from Virtual Teaching into the Current Face-to-Face Environment
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? We all learned so many things over the past 18 months related to responsiveness to students, our colleagues, ourselves and to our tech savviness. It is time to reflect and reuse some of what we learned. The Early Bird had a story titled “Educators reflect on a year of …
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Mar 11 2021
SIP 13.8 Taking Care of Ourselves First
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? We’ve all heard this statement numerous times: “Put on your own oxygen mask first before assisting others.” But the question is: How do we as caring, nurturing people do this without feeling guilt, second thoughts and possibly remorse? It is in our nature as teachers to want to help …
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Feb 04 2021
SIP 13.3 Navigating Constant Moral Decisions while Teaching and Learning During a Pandemic
Students and faculty alike are tired from the daily value prioritizing and moral negotiations required for pandemic life. From the simplest decisions to the most complex, our values and priorities are being questioned and tested; it can even feel like these decisions define our worth or standing within our communities. Decisions that normally didn’t take …
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Oct 22 2020
SIP 12.10 Prioritizing Self-Care
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Educators and students adjusting to remote learning are encouraged to prioritize new ways to incorporate self-care into their daily routine. Teaching is an intensive job, and especially during the pandemic, prioritizing self-care to become a habit is increasingly important for all teachers. Working and learning from home can be …
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Sep 17 2020
SIP 12.5 Trauma-informed Pedagogy
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Although trauma-informed pedagogy is becoming a new buzzword in educational circles, the concept behind it has been around for a long time. “Trauma-informed practices” means a set of practices, policies and procedures that support and address the learning needs of children impacted by trauma, as well as address secondary …
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Apr 23 2020
SIP 11.13 Ideas to Make Your Synchronous Online Classes More Fun
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? The transition to online teaching has been challenging for faculty members. I noticed that with this change, the focus of my classes shifted from learning together or engaging students to simply “delivering the content.” I teach four classes this semester, like several of you, and one of my biggest …
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Apr 09 2020
SIP 11.11 Supporting Students in Their Religious Practices
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? With everything moving online so quickly, many of us might forget that this spring is a time of many religious holidays that our students, and ourselves, will still be trying to celebrate. Supporting students right now means supporting their whole selves, and for many of them, giving a little …
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Mar 12 2020
SIP 11.8 Designing Group Work with Universal Design for Learning
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? There are many great arguments for using group work in your classes, either as an instructional strategy in class or as a component of formal graded assignments. In her book Learning to Collaborate, Collaborating to Learn: Engaging Students in the Classroom and Online, Janet Salmons reviews the research …
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Oct 10 2019
SIP 10.9 Flexibility with Deadlines
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Some students are driven by deadline pressure, but many find the stress of a looming deadline overwhelming. Additionally, our students are often juggling competing demands and deadlines from courses, jobs and their personal lives, and our assignment due dates may overlap with a big work-related deadline or an important …
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