Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? We at MSU Denver have always had community-building on our collective mind. As a commuter campus, we must strive to bring our students together in ways that are not as simple as offering pizza and programming in a residence hall. Our efforts in this area set us apart from so …
Category: SIP Post
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Apr 30 2020
SIP 11.14 Crafting Meaningful Goodbyes
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? This spring, we quickly moved our classes online and campus was closed down due to COVID-19. Though we have continued to work and teach together, many of us did not get to say goodbye or formally celebrate our time together as part of our larger departmental or Metropolitan State …
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Apr 23 2020
SIP 11.13 Ideas to Make Your Synchronous Online Classes More Fun
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? The transition to online teaching has been challenging for faculty members. I noticed that with this change, the focus of my classes shifted from learning together or engaging students to simply “delivering the content.” I teach four classes this semester, like several of you, and one of my biggest …
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Apr 16 2020
SIP 11.12 Compassionate Grading
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Last month, in the face of a global pandemic, faculty and students from around the country were forced to make a sudden and drastic shift to remote and online learning. Professors who were used to teaching their students in the classroom are now having to conduct their courses on …
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Apr 09 2020
SIP 11.11 Supporting Students in Their Religious Practices
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? With everything moving online so quickly, many of us might forget that this spring is a time of many religious holidays that our students, and ourselves, will still be trying to celebrate. Supporting students right now means supporting their whole selves, and for many of them, giving a little …
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Apr 02 2020
SIP 11.10 Recovering Momentum After Spring Break – COVID-19 Edition
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? The week after spring break can be a challenge under the best of circumstances. Whether you were on a beach, hanging at home or even catching up on work, it can be difficult to recapture the everyday routine of the semester. This year, the task of getting back …
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Mar 19 2020
SIP 11.9 Emergency Transitioning to Remote Teaching and Learning
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? This week, the SIPsquad would like to focus on supporting faculty members as they move into perhaps the most challenging moment in our institution’s history: fully implementing remote teaching and learning, mid-semester. This unprecedented precautionary measure, intended to combat the spread and impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on …
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Mar 12 2020
SIP 11.8 Designing Group Work with Universal Design for Learning
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? There are many great arguments for using group work in your classes, either as an instructional strategy in class or as a component of formal graded assignments. In her book Learning to Collaborate, Collaborating to Learn: Engaging Students in the Classroom and Online, Janet Salmons reviews the research …
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Mar 05 2020
SIP 11.7 Creating ‘True’ Breaks — Not Assigning Work over Break
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? The SIPsquad is excited to bring you this Throwback Thursday selection! Take a look at this gem from Year Four – “Creating ‘True’ Breaks – Not Assigning Work over Break.” Have you ever noticed that the energy in the classroom after Spring Break can be a little … subdued? …
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Feb 27 2020
SIP 11.6 The Unwritten Rules of College: Facing Social and Emotional Challenges
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice? Last week, the SIPsquad talked about “the unwritten academic rules of college” and how we can support students as they learn to navigate the complicated systems of higher education. This week, we would like to focus on the social and emotional challenges that students face during their college years. …
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